What was this for? What kind of animal?

insiderart- and if the temporary pen is for pheasant, they can use their spurs and abilty to rise suddenly as protection.

So is there a prize for getting this right?????? Heh.
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you said you have wild turkeys
thats what they are for . if they were an older couple . i saw tat an ive seen those where my parents live. we have wild turkeys in the mountains and the older people who were amoung the first people to move to that are built several of those to trap wild turkeys. people did that during the depresion and a few older people still do. the couple that live buy my parents tip it on its side and put out food for the turkeys, the turkeys are so stupid the just tip it back over and have a bunch of turkeys. they usualy only try to get females as the toms can be down right mean. the females dont even mind being in there, they just tos in food . they usualy are only in there for a day , then they get to go off to freezer camp.
you said you have wild turkeys
thats what they are for . if they were an older couple . i saw tat an ive seen those where my parents live. we have wild turkeys in the mountains and the older people who were amoung the first people to move to that are built several of those to trap wild turkeys. people did that during the depresion and a few older people still do. the couple that live buy my parents tip it on its side and put out food for the turkeys, the turkeys are so stupid the just tip it back over and have a bunch of turkeys. they usualy only try to get females as the toms can be down right mean. the females dont even mind being in there, they just tos in food . they usualy are only in there for a day , then they get to go off to freezer camp.

Wow this mystery is still going on. About 60 posts ago I chimed in that it was a pen to fatten up a caught turkey before T-day. I like your input better; it has history from what you state.

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