Whats the difference between Mottled and Self Mottled??????


11 Years
Jun 9, 2008
Can someone explain the genetics on a mottled and self mottled??? I have some birds come out with just a few white feathers or spots, then others are covered in white spots.... Does that mean one is a self mottled and one is a mottled? Also....whats the genetics to it...when breeding, how do you get what??? Thank You
Please explain self mottled.. That is anew term to me. Mottled as a gene exists and is recessive. it can on occasion make an appearance if crossed and teh other color or pattern is also recessive but seldom in that form is very good mottling. the Mottling itself should be uniform and evenly tipped on each feather seperated by a small black bar from the primary ground color of teh bird.
I've honestly never heard of Self-mottled.

Mottled itself though is E/E (extended black, makes the bird pure black) Ml/Ml (mottling) - The degree of how mottled a bird is really is just quality as far as I'm concerned.
Young birds tend to have less mottling than older ones, Typically, the older the bird, the whiter it will be. Mottling can show in juvenile feathers only one copy of hte gene is present, but it will molt out and not be present in adult feathering.

I've never heard "self" used with mottling. It would seem to be a contradiction as "self" means a solid cooloured bird.
mo/mo, not Ml/Ml (melanotic). Someone hasn't had her coffee yet
WOOOPSEEEEE..... Not self......split*** That was my early morning typo... I apologize... maybe now you all can clarify what split is... I do have some chicks... 3 months old, some have a ton of white mottling and others only a few specs....is that the difference from split to mottled? I apologize again!
Speckled Sussex aren't the same "mottled" as other birds, in fact they're considered Spangled. Still with the mottling gene, but, they're E^Wh as well as carrying Mahogany and Columbian.

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