Whats the difference between Mottled and Self Mottled??????

Thank you all so much for helping me understand this... So you can have two splits....that show a little mottled in chick feathers but molt out as adults and show none, breed and create Mo/Mo and Mo/mo?? so splits and mottleds? what is the percentages? Thanks
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Ok... so the 25% that carry no mottled are considered solid black or that being what ever the base color is? I have been referring to black mottled if you are wondering.
Yep. If they're solid black and white mottled to begin with, the non-mottled are just simply E/E blacks.
If one parent is Mo/mo and the other is mo/mo,
50% mo/mo - Adult mottling
50% Mo/mo - Possible juvenile mottling, no adult mottling

If both parents are Mo/mo
25% Mo/Mo - No mottling
50% Mo/mo - Possible juvenile mottling, no adult mottling
25% mo/mo - Adult mottling

From what I've seen, I think that should be probable juvenile mottling, not possible, but I don't have enough experience to say for sure.

This of course assumes you have enough chicks for the averages to mean anything. Or you can look at it that each chick has these odds.

Editted to add:

I had a problem with nomenclature above and I don't have the coffee excuse. Since the mottling gene is recessive, not dominant, mo/mo signifies that the chicken will show mottling in the adult plumage. My percentages were right but the nonenclature was wrong. I've corrected it and added some notes.
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Mottling can be added to any e-locus gene not restricted to Extended Black, MO is mottling, Ml is melanotic which covers and hides other patterns and colors to extend black areas. Take Spangled for example is e+ with mottling. (Wild type Partridge)
Mottling can be added to any e-locus gene not restricted to Extended Black, MO is mottling, Ml is melanotic which covers and hides other patterns and colors to extend black areas. Take Spangled for example is e+ with mottling. (Wild type Partridge)

Okay, I'll say again -

My point is that a MOTTLED (such and such) is a bird that is E/E and mottling.

A bird that is anything else, such as e+ or E^Wh, is usually considered spangling. Doesn't mean they aren't mottled, just means the color isn't usually called mottled.

I did not say mottling is restricted to E/E. I do breed Tolbunts after all, who have mottling, and are E^R.

And Ml vs mo - Sonoran Silkies kinda covered and explained that.
It was morning.
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Self mottling could refer to a self colored bird with mottling. Color genotype could be E/E or E^R/E^R, Ml, mo, as well as other color genes.
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