Which breeds are calmest for kids?

EE=Easter Egger. A mutt breed that hatcheries sell as Araucanas/Ameraucanas, but are really neither breeds. Easter Eggers lay eggs from pink to green to blue to gray. Just depends on your chickens genetics.

BTW, I had a Barred Rock hen that was the tamest thing you ever saw. Rode on my shoulder and wanted to be with me all the time. Great kid's pet, for sure.

(Edited to add, sorry, I didn't see Stephanie's response before posting.)
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My buff orpingtons are my calmest and friendliest chicks. While taking pictures of them all the other day, one of my buffs fluttered up my back to perch on my shoulder.
My kids adore our cochins and silkies. They let them (even the 2 year old) just pick them up and carry them around.
I've got to go with the Buff Orpingtons overall. BUT, I have 2 EE. One of them is so friendly I have to be VERY careful not to step on her.

My leghorns aren't the friendliest in the group. But with a lot of handling and watching my other girls with me, they are almost as calm as my orpingtons. The leghorns will still freak out more than the others, if things startle them.

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