Which kinds of predators dig?


Apr 23, 2022
Lehi, Utah
I'm trying to get things predator proofed. Out of curiosity, what sorts of predators will try to get in by digging?

I don't get many predators around...other than my dog that kinda barks at the chickens then gets bored and leaves them alone. There are some cats that cruise around the neighborhood... maybe the odd mink escapee from the fur farm up the road. Raccoons and skunks are around, but generally stick to easier yards to access closer to the river. Tons of hawks...not known for their digging skills though, haha.

My kids have accidentally left a bag of kitchen garbage around the house halfway to the garbage can 🙄😂...I didn't discover it until mowing the lawn a few days later, and it was undisturbed by critters. So there's not much that's likely to hassle the chickens, but still am going to be prepared.
You will find that you actually have many different predators, and everyone loves chicken!
Rats, raccoons, foxes, dogs, there are many diggers available. Then weasels (mink, for example) will happily come in and kill all your birds at once. Opossums like eggs and chickens too, as do rats.
Many of us have had bad experiences and upgraded our coop defenses after having a disaster. Better to build Ft. Knox first!
I'm trying to get things predator proofed. Out of curiosity, what sorts of predators will try to get in by digging?

I don't get many predators around...other than my dog that kinda barks at the chickens then gets bored and leaves them alone. There are some cats that cruise around the neighborhood... maybe the odd mink escapee from the fur farm up the road. Raccoons and skunks are around, but generally stick to easier yards to access closer to the river. Tons of hawks...not known for their digging skills though, haha.

My kids have accidentally left a bag of kitchen garbage around the house halfway to the garbage can 🙄😂...I didn't discover it until mowing the lawn a few days later, and it was undisturbed by critters. So there's not much that's likely to hassle the chickens, but still am going to be prepared.
If you live in an area with feral cats they will absolutely be a big problem. Do not try to "relocate" them. Put them down humanely
Your biggest threat is the mink farm up the road .They're serial killers that love digging tunnels.They'll kill the whole flock if they ever get inside. You need wire mesh with openings no larger than 1/2" to keep them out.(galvanized steel hardware cloth)
If you build an "apron" around your run and/ or coop, you won't have to worry about it. This consists of hardware cloth extending out around your run about a foot to 18" either on top of the ground, or (better) covered with dirt, gravel or sod and, ideally, extending up your fences for a few inches. Anything trying to dig under your fences will be stymied by it.
I'm trying to get things predator proofed. Out of curiosity, what sorts of predators will try to get in by digging?

I don't get many predators around...other than my dog that kinda barks at the chickens then gets bored and leaves them alone. There are some cats that cruise around the neighborhood... maybe the odd mink escapee from the fur farm up the road. Raccoons and skunks are around, but generally stick to easier yards to access closer to the river. Tons of hawks...not known for their digging skills though, haha.

My kids have accidentally left a bag of kitchen garbage around the house halfway to the garbage can 🙄😂...I didn't discover it until mowing the lawn a few days later, and it was undisturbed by critters. So there's not much that's likely to hassle the chickens, but still am going to be prepared.
We have hardware cloth over our coop & run with an apron around the bottom so nothing can bother our chickens. Its worth it for peace of mind.We live beside a family with 3 dogs that would be more than happy to kill them if they could.They run loose all the time.

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