Which rooster shall I keep?


14 Years
Mar 5, 2010
I bought some 1 day old chicks a few months ago to cater to my broody hen.
Total of 8. All bantams. 3 mile Fleur d’Uccle, 3 red frizzle Cochin and 2 black silkies.
Of the 8 Im sure of 2 being roosters. One mills Fleur and one frizzle Cochin.

Which rooster of the 2 would you keep? And why?

For now I’ll keep them both since they’re still young. But eventually I’m sure I will only keep one rooster for my flock.


Hard to say, both are great breeds. I'd probably keep the d'Uccle because I'm not a huge fan of how frizzle looks, but it's really up to you. Keep in mind that if you do keep the cochin roo, it wouldn't be advisable to hatch chicks from the cochin hens. The chicks would have a 25% chance of having regular feathers, 50% chance of being a frizzle, and a 25% chance of having two copies of the frizzle gene, resulting in what's called a "frazzle". "Frazzles" tend to have all sorts of issues.
Good point. Hadn’t thought that far ahead but who knows.
The mille Fleur is definitely more assertive and independent. Which might be a good trait for a rooster.
Maybe one or both of the 2 black silkies will be roos. But I doubt it. 9 weeks and there’s no comb or wattles at all.
It's too soon to really know about behavior, so give it more time. and if you do keep the frizzle cockerel, don't hatch eggs from those frizzle Cochins!
If you are in a very cold climate, both frizzles and Silkies have issues with winter temps.
I'm a big fan of the d'Uccles!
It's too soon to really know about behavior, so give it more time. and if you do keep the frizzle cockerel, don't hatch eggs from those frizzle Cochins!
If you are in a very cold climate, both frizzles and Silkies have issues with winter temps.
I'm a big fan of the d'Uccles!
Thanks. Yes that’s my plan. To get 2 roosters out of 8 chicks is a good score. I’ll keep both until I know for sure which one I want or until they cause trouble together.
I read about frizzles/silkiest and cold too late. It can be below zero here but not often or long

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