White blobs in beard...whole flock

Do you think it could just be food build up?
I agree they are parasitic eggs. I also agree that a permethrin based spray is very effective when used according to directions.

Red mites only come out to feed on the birds and don't live on them... treat the whole flock, your roost, lay boxes, and such. Sold in the equine section I buy a premixed on under $8 lasted my flock of 82 for 2+ years including 3 medium dogs and 2 large goats.

Spritz just below the vent, under each wing pit, and to the nape of the neck where the back of the head meets the base... making sure feathers are spread and it hits skin. Soaking is not needed. And it's labeled for use in chickens with no withdrawal time required for eggs...

Adding your Canada location to your general profile will help peeps make the best suggestions possible at a glance. ;)

If you need to, use a cotton swab or q tip to apply on the head, as head lice don't go to the body. This is how I treat very young chicks if needed. :fl

ETA: not for use on cats.
ETAA: Checking after dark with a flash light and parting feathers below vents and on abdomen will give you a much clearer picture as they are easier to see then. You also don;t have to chase any birds that way if you keep the lighting down, usually.
Are their any Canadians here that have a solution? That products seems to be banned here. Need to do some research.
Look for anything that contains carbaryl or permethrin, then let us know what you find and we can tell you if it's safe to use.
You will want to treat everything, the coop, nests,roosts too if you don't they will be right back. I use Sevin dust here, not sure what is available there

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