Whole foods?


I was brought up on raw milk and it took me ages to get over the change in taste between raw and pasteurised, when the law here changed and meant milk deliveries had to be pasteurised. There is however a pedigree jersey herd a few miles away that sells raw milk from the farm shop (with an appropriate warning sticker on it of course!) I occasionally buy one in passing but I've been very conscious of the huge cream content and my need to lose weight in recent years, so I have not treated myself in a long time.....your post is very persuasive and I might be tempted to make a more frequent visit there. The problem is that they also make allsorts of amazing flavoured ice creams from their jersey cream.....
Wow thank you so much for all the wonderful help and advice everyone! It's all very useful. Appreciate the support too as I thought surely there'd be someone mad at my choices thus far LOL

I'll definitely be using the advice and recipes and the bit about the milkfat is interesting too.

As for farm stands/farmer's markets, yes, I think there are some around. There are probably several actually. There's one not too far that I think has one every month or every week or some such thing, I will have to look for a schedule and start going down there. There's also a garden place just minutes down the street that also has a little store that has vegetables, mostly in the summer, but they might be a little expensive. I'll have to start looking for the farm stands.

I never thought about smoothies like that either. Well, I've actually made some a few times, but with a regular blender and with some yogurt and milk. Not sure that part is healthy? And of course no veggies lol or at least not many, I usually make it with some spinach and kale and then like strawberries and blueberries. I'll have to start mixing it up and adding more veggies and fruits. That's a good idea.

I mostly drink water anyway since soda started giving me a headache a few years ago. But then I started drinking it again and now Coke doesn't so I do get that when I go out to like Subway or something. But I don't drink it at home. But I've been eating out a lot lately and Coke is like the worst soda of all so I need to stop it.

Thankfully I don't drink or smoke or anything but my parents do and they've mentioned the sugar in alcohol. It's amazing.

My dad is actually going to PT for a hip replacement he had I guess maybe 2 months ago now? And has to do exercises at home too. So I was thinking maybe I should start doing some of the exercises with him and/or we should start eating healthy together lol

My dad is especially big on the carbs, he usually has an English muffin every morning, either as a sandwich with egg, or with jelly on it.

I actually just had my physical today and I had blood work before it a few weeks ago. Apparently my blood sugar was a little bit high but he does think it was probably just a fluke or something so I had it retested. I did fast before it (12 hrs) so it's weird it was still high but I'm not too worried because like he said, it was probably a fluke, plus that week I had also eaten horribly, way worse than normal haha

But it does mean that I do need to start being more conscientious of what I eat and of exercising because even if this one was just a false alarm or fluke or whatever maybe the next one won't be.

I was brought up on raw milk and it took me ages to get over the change in taste between raw and pasteurised, when the law here changed and meant milk deliveries had to be pasteurised. There is however a pedigree jersey herd a few miles away that sells raw milk from the farm shop (with an appropriate warning sticker on it of course!) I occasionally buy one in passing but I've been very conscious of the huge cream content and my need to lose weight in recent years, so I have not treated myself in a long time.....your post is very persuasive and I might be tempted to make a more frequent visit there. The problem is that they also make allsorts of amazing flavoured ice creams from their jersey cream..... 

I definitely would not be able to pass up the ice cream lol
This is a delicious, filling soup that's healthy. You can soak and cook your own beans rather than using canned.

It's also good to keep lots of healthy snacks on hand so you're not tempted to grab junk. I boil a dozen eggs at a time and always have those on hand for a snack. Also when you buy veggies, do all the prep work- peeling, slicing, etc, so they're ready to eat.
Quote: I do that too!

I've also decided that when I get sugar cravings I will try to fill myself up with other more healthy slow release foods, even if it means eating more or larger portions of them than I should.

I've done the low GI diet before and lost weight very rapidly and felt fantastic once I got over the first few weeks, but it doesn't teach me moderation and as soon as the diet ended I started hitting the sugar again... like an alcoholic having just one drink... it's a slippery slope from there.


I think it is a great idea to get involved with your Dad's physio exercises as it will help motivate both of you. I would imagine that walking will be good exercise for him too, so perhaps that is something that you can do together when he is ready.

I was brought up on raw milk and it took me ages to get over the change in taste between raw and pasteurised, when the law here changed and meant milk deliveries had to be pasteurised. There is however a pedigree jersey herd a few miles away that sells raw milk from the farm shop (with an appropriate warning sticker on it of course!) I occasionally buy one in passing but I've been very conscious of the huge cream content and my need to lose weight in recent years, so I have not treated myself in a long time.....your post is very persuasive and I might be tempted to make a more frequent visit there. The problem is that they also make allsorts of amazing flavoured ice creams from their jersey cream..... 

Oh now THAT would be my weakness lol; maybe I should be quiet about the raw milk, since now DH is poised and ready to head to town for some ice cream ha-ha :D

I've been wanting to try churning my own butter, too, just for fun and experience something old and new at the same time ;)

I definitely would not be able to pass up the ice cream lol

X2... I'll admit I have a terrible chocolate addiction, so I'll get those really expensive fair trade dark chocolate bars and take teeny tiny bites and savor it, otherwise I'll eat a whole bag of m&ms and hide the evidence :p

I'm not exactly an ice cream fiend, but I make my own sometimes and add very little sugar - I think that's the problem, not the milkfat. I also don't get any artificial colors, flavors, or junk like carrageenan. :sick

I agree... I watch "naturallyy flavored" things too, since finding out what all can be included in "natural flavors"... Like the contents of a beavers' scent gland... Can I just say, " ew". :p
I'm not exactly an ice cream fiend, but I make my own sometimes and add very little sugar - I think that's the problem, not the milkfat. I also don't get any artificial colors, flavors, or junk like carrageenan. :sick

I never thought about making my own ice cream! And yes, I've been more careful about avoiding that, though thankfully a lot of companies are starting to go natural now, though who knows what that means. And I've read conflicting things about carrageenan. Some said it was good, most said it was bad, so I wasn't sure haha

This is a delicious, filling soup that's healthy. You can soak and cook your own beans rather than using canned.

It's also good to keep lots of healthy snacks on hand so you're not tempted to grab junk. I boil a dozen eggs at a time and always have those on hand for a snack. Also when you buy veggies, do all the prep work- peeling, slicing, etc, so they're ready to eat.

Thanks for the soup recipe!

I don't really like boiled eggs that much but I might try them or add to salad. And good idea preparing the veggies.

I do that too!

I've also decided that when I get sugar cravings I will try to fill myself up with other more healthy slow release foods, even if it means eating more or larger portions of them than I should.

I've done the low GI diet before and lost weight very rapidly and felt fantastic once I got over the first few weeks, but it doesn't teach me moderation and as soon as the diet ended I started hitting the sugar again... like an alcoholic having just one drink... it's a slippery slope from there.


I think it is a great idea to get involved with your Dad's physio exercises as it will help motivate both of you. I would imagine that walking will be good exercise for him too, so perhaps that is something that you can do together when he is ready.

That is exactly what the sugar addiction is like! Lol people say it's not a real thing but I know that it is. And for example, now I need more and more of it to be satisfied, which to me is an addiction.

Anyway, yes, I think I will do some of the exercises. Not even just the specific exercises for him, but we also habe a stationary bike, and an elliptical, so I might do those too. And yes, walking is very good. He is supposed to be walking but we haven't so we'll have to start.

Oh now THAT would be my weakness lol; maybe I should be quiet about the raw milk, since now DH is poised and ready to head to town for some ice cream ha-ha :D

I've been wanting to try churning my own butter, too, just for fun and experience something old and new at the same time ;)
X2... I'll admit I have a terrible chocolate addiction, so I'll get those really expensive fair trade dark chocolate bars and take teeny tiny bites and savor it, otherwise I'll eat a whole bag of m&ms and hide the evidence :p
I agree... I watch "naturallyy flavored" things too, since finding out what all can be included in "natural flavors"... Like the contents of a beavers' scent gland... Can I just say, " ew". :p

Funny you should say that, I was in the natural section and almost bought chocolate lol

Got these though.



Already opened it of course LOL says it's dairy and soy free too, not that really matters. But it's simple ingredients.



And EW REALLY!? OMG!! I was just gomma say, lots of companies seem to be following the healthy trend these days and changing their foods to no artificial ingredients, flavors, or preservatives, either all 3 or one or the other, and often no high fructose corn syrup, even conventionally unhealthy stuff like Twix cereal and fruit snacks. But then I just got to wondering if they'd REALLY put that much expense into it and what that really means....

Now I know... it means GROSS lol

On the bright side, I just bought a lot of fruits and vegetables
I'll just give a small tidbit of advice... Whole milkfat. Butter instead of margarine or oil. Stat away from trans fats and hydrogenated oils and stick with good high natural fat like butter and whole milk.

You can also make your own pasta, all it takes is a few eggs, flour, and water, and I just chop up a few tomatoes and some fresh basil and garlic for the sauce ;)

The fat thing, I give ALOT of credit, since the only time I've ever weighed over 125 lbs is when I was pregnant, and I eat so much butter its not even funny. ;)

Thanks for the pasta recipe!

I just found this one before I remembered someone had posted one bere


Seems like kinda the same basic premise? I had no idea it was so easy!!

I do wonder though why it has oil and salt instead of water?
Anyway, I got some bell peppers, some green and yellow squash (I think summer and zucchini?), some broccoli, some tomatoes, some pears (like every variety
), some apples (i admit I fell for the advertising), some raw almonds, the snacks above, some quinoa, and some whole grain brown rice, and a limited ingredient pasta sauce. No sugar added. I'll get a pic. They had a few but this was cheapest lol I really tried to look at the ingredients this time and not just go for name brand or best flavor. It's amazing how many have sugar and how few no sugar or healthy ones there are!!!

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