Whole foods?

Anyway, I got some bell peppers, some green and yellow squash (I think summer and zucchini?), some broccoli, some tomatoes, some pears (like every variety
), some apples (i admit I fell for the advertising), some raw almonds, the snacks above, some quinoa, and some whole grain brown rice, and a limited ingredient pasta sauce. No sugar added. I'll get a pic. They had a few but this was cheapest lol I really tried to look at the ingredients this time and not just go for name brand or best flavor. It's amazing how many have sugar and how few no sugar or healthy ones there are!!!
Have you heard of GABA brown rice? Here's an article about the health benefits of sprouting it before cooking: http://articles.chicagotribune.com/...ynthia-harriman-sprouted-brown-rice-zojirushi.

I like quinoa - the protein gives it more "staying power" - and I just cook it in my rice cooker. Sounds like you have a lot of good stuff!
Have you heard of GABA brown rice? Here's an article about the health benefits of sprouting it before cooking: http://articles.chicagotribune.com/...ynthia-harriman-sprouted-brown-rice-zojirushi.

I like quinoa - the protein gives it more "staying power" - and I just cook it in my rice cooker. Sounds like you have a lot of good stuff!

I have not heard of it but wow that's interesting! I'll have to look into it! Thank you. Can you sprout any rice I wonder or only special rice?

Yeah, I haven't had it much, maybe once or twice, but heard it's supposed to be good for you so figured I'd try it.

And thank you :)

We'll see if it sticks. I tend to do this - buy lots of fruits and veggies and then either don't eat lots and it gets wasted OR I do eat it then go back to junk. So i will make an effort to stick to it this time lol

Just bought some premade salads the other day too and tons of kale and spinach
Just stopping by real quick.
I just watched a show on netflix called SUGAR COATED.
It is a MUST see!

I too am reading the labels on EVERYTHING!

Be back soon!
Just stopping by real quick.
I just watched a show on netflix called SUGAR COATED.
It is a MUST see!

I too am reading the labels on EVERYTHING!

Be back soon!

I'll have to watch that! Thank you :)

And yeah, I didn't used to read the labels that much but I'm starting to now
I wonder if keeping some sort of journal or something might be helpful too? Or would that be a waste of time? You know, just something simple like writing down what I eat or when I exercise. My thinking was I could write down the good stuff (like I just ate a salad and some steak lol) but also might hold me more accountable for the bad? Like if I see it I might go "gee I ate a lot of junk..." cause I tend to just grab what I want when I want and not really eat or sleel at regular times, eat late at night, snack all day, etc. And I am sure I am not really keeping track of just how much junk I am eating, I just kinda do it... maybe if I saw it it might be easier to change or recognize the problem
I had a food journal for awhile. Just knowing that I was going to be writing down what I ate, helped me not to overeat. If you do a journal, make sure you measure your food in some way. I'd cheat and write "crackers" but not admit I ate a whole box of them! But if I measured/counted, that held me accountable. I got a small kitchen scale so I could measure in ounces.

If you don't have one already, a steamer is a great investment. You can get them for less than $20. Such a quick, simple and healthy way to make fish, vegetables, rice, etc.
A few other ideas:
-air popped popcorn is a great, fiber rich snack
-get a big water bottle, fill it every morning and try to drink the whole thing by the time you go to bed
-spices and spice blends are your friend! You can liven up so many foods without extra calories. Just make sure to stay away from the ones with lots of salt. I used to put pancake syrup and brown sugar on oatmeal, now I do cinnamon and nutmeg; I put garlic pepper on potatoes instead of butter and sour cream; lemon pepper in tuna instead of mayonnaise for flavor. Spices keep things from getting boring!
-take your measurements, not just your weight. Measure your calves, thighs, belly, hips, and waist. Write them down and re-measure every two weeks or so. It's so motivating to see what you've lost!
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I wonder if keeping some sort of journal or something might be helpful too? Or would that be a waste of time? You know, just something simple like writing down what I eat or when I exercise. My thinking was I could write down the good stuff (like I just ate a salad and some steak lol) but also might hold me more accountable for the bad? Like if I see it I might go "gee I ate a lot of junk..." cause I tend to just grab what I want when I want and not really eat or sleel at regular times, eat late at night, snack all day, etc. And I am sure I am not really keeping track of just how much junk I am eating, I just kinda do it... maybe if I saw it it might be easier to change or recognize the problem

Do you happen to have a fitbit?

If not think about getting one.
It comes with an app where you keep track of EVERYTHNG you eat/drink.
Say if you had a hamburger...you type in hamburger and you can choose from a million different brands/types..
even homemade..even which type of meat you used to make it..
it counts the calories..fat ...all those things for you and puts it in neat charts and graphs.

it is WONDERFUL! a snap shot of everything you eat at your finger tips.

Now I am sure there are many other sites or apps out there that do the same thing..
you should look at using one.
I had a food journal for awhile. Just knowing that I was going to be writing down what I ate, helped me not to overeat. If you do a journal, make sure you measure your food in some way. I'd cheat and write "crackers" but not admit I ate a whole box of them! But if I measured/counted, that held me accountable. I got a small kitchen scale so I could measure in ounces.

If you don't have one already, a steamer is a great investment. You can get them for less than $20. Such a quick, simple and healthy way to make fish, vegetables, rice, etc.

LOL I'd probably be the same way with documenting and the crackers. I actually have a kitchen scale and a regular bathroom scale I bought last year when I wanted to lose weight... haven't really used either but especially not the kitchen scale LOL it even came with a measuring tape! I don't know where it is though. But the scale is handy too because it has how to calculate calorie factor and all sorts of useful stuff.

A few other ideas:
-air popped popcorn is a great, fiber rich snack
-get a big water bottle, fill it every morning and try to drink the whole thing by the time you go to bed
-spices and spice blends are your friend! You can liven up so many foods without extra calories. Just make sure to stay away from the ones with lots of salt. I used to put pancake syrup and brown sugar on oatmeal, now I do cinnamon and nutmeg; I put garlic pepper on potatoes instead of butter and sour cream; lemon pepper in tuna instead of mayonnaise for flavor. Spices keep things from getting boring!
-take your measurements, not just your weight. Measure your calves, thighs, belly, hips, and waist. Write them down and re-measure every two weeks or so. It's so motivating to see what you've lost!

Wow thanks so much for the great ideas! Never would have thought of spices instead of sugar or toppings or whatever but it makes sense. And going off the measuring, that is a great idea, and the scale does come with it, if I can find it lol but that's a good idea. Embarrassing but good lol

Do you happen to have a fitbit?

If not think about getting one.
It comes with an app where you keep track of EVERYTHNG you eat/drink.
Say if you had a hamburger...you type in hamburger and you can choose from a million different brands/types..
even homemade..even which type of meat you used to make it..
it counts the calories..fat ...all those things for you and puts it in neat charts and graphs.

it is WONDERFUL!  a snap shot of everything you eat at your finger tips.

Now I am sure there are many other sites or apps out there that do the same thing..
you should look at using one.

I don't have one but wow that's amazing! I had no idea it did so much. I admit i didn't really wanna follow the trend lol but maybe I will or will get a similar app! Thanks!
Sorry, I won't "live post" so to speak anymore, but is it normal that I really wanted ice cream/sugar but I decided to try a pear first (actually that one was more of an accident, somehow it got cut on the way home from the store so I just ate it now), which I assumed upped my blood sugar? Was sweet enough.. so surely the sugar part was satisfied. but then I had ice cream anyway? I did manage to put it in a smaller bowl than usual though. But still had a lot and whipped cream and not one but five cherries.... am eating it now. Bad bad bad, i know.

I am thinking this might be less physical needs and more mental. I guess I need to work on that. I barely even want the ice cream now.

Ugh. This is going to take a lot of work..... ha

But I guess I need to start by not always listening to what I want? Saying no to myself so to speak? Ha

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