Why are my female rouen ducks attacking female pekin

Yep being the Rouens are older of course they want to push the young Pekin around. These birds make me think of the playground at school there is always someone who thinks they are top dog and will pick on a younger kid.
They see her as an outsider since the Rouens have most likely been together since they hatched. How are they with your KC drake?
Yep being the Rouens are older of course they want to push the young Pekin around. These birds make me think of the playground at school there is always someone who thinks they are top dog and will pick on a younger kid.
They see her as an outsider since the Rouens have most likely been together since they hatched. How are they with your KC drake?
So far the rouens and KC drake get along great!
Think what I’ll be doing is have the bully one in a cage inside the pen while others are playing around etc. hopefully building a bond with pekin.


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Are all the same age and come from the same place? I see a drake how is he with the Pekin?

It's great when they have some scuffles and then all is worked out but sometimes it just doesn't work and the poor duck that is being picked on is so stressed it can lead to sickness. Especially if she is bullied away from food and water. I have 11 yr old Muscovy females who have to go through time out because they can pick on one of their own. At time for bed I won't tolerate one picking on another when there is no place for the one being picked on to get away. I keep a large dog crate in my largest coop and that is time out overnight. Try and watch to see what is triggering this behavior. Possibly even the color of her feathers? Rouens being dark colored and the Pekin being white may have something to do with it. Separating the Pekin with the lesser bully might work to start to solve this let them be together for a week or less depending on how it goes, then introduce the other to them and see if that helps with the behavior. How old are they because hormones is what usually causes the bullying here
Wow I never really thought about colors being a trigger for bullying in ducks. I may have to reconsider what ducks I pick up later since I only plan on 3 or maaaybe 4. I've heard about crows bullying and excluding white crows before. How common is it to be a problem in ducks? Is it more common in smaller groups?
The reason I mentioned it was I've seen it a few times here on BYC. Where ducks would bully another duck that wasn't same color as they are dark compared to light.

Not related to bullying but I have 2 female Buff ducks and even though they were hatched with Runners they are always together maybe it's the fact that they see the same color of each other and are bonded because of it. Someone needs to do a study on this.
I am fortunate. I have a white Muscovy Hen with a gold colored chest, two Rouen Hens that look like big Mallards, two small Mallard, a brown Khaki Campbell Hen, two little Mallard looking Call Ducks, a very Big Black, white and gray Muscovy Drake, two gray and brown Mule Ducks and a Mallard/Rouen Drake with a green head. All of mine seem to get along just fine but maybe its because they are colored blind! LOL I know they can see color, I was just kidding.

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