Why do children push your buttons??????


12 Years
Apr 27, 2007
Webster, FL
My youngest just loves to piss me off. She is 20 now and lives 3000 miles away and she still goes out of her way to try to get me mad.
My EX called me yesterday to inform me that she got married Jan 2nd, I had to ask him what her new name is, We talk about once a month so it isn't like we never talk, I have no idea what I did to her but in her mind I am this totally horrible person. My EX doesn't think it will last, he thinks that she did it to show me... I can't wait till she grows up.
Waiting for her to call me back so I can talk to her.
Not sure if I should yell at her or not? Trying the calm path hasn't worked for 3 years now, so maybe yelling will.
Just congratulate her and try

Yelling will just cause even more problems.
I would wring her flipping neck...or at least I would want to. Only because we know what mistakes we've made and we don't want our kids to do the same. All kids love to piss their parents off. Just don't react angry. That's what she's expecting. When I wanted to make my parents mad and they didn't react to it, then I was the one mad
Just wish her the best
A while back, when my teen was giving me no end of grief, I called Mom. I said, "I apologize for everything I ever did or said to you while growing up. Now will you call my daughter off?"

She just

No help at all.
That about sums it up.

I agree with Bheila. Mentally wring the neck while the congratulations roll off the tongue...
wegotchickens wrote:

A while back, when my teen was giving me no end of grief, I called Mom. I said, "I apologize for everything I ever did or said to you while growing up.

I so did this also and all she did was laugh at me.........
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OMG I did that when DBF's know-it-all 15 yo spent a couple of weeks with us last summer. I was ready to SSS the darn kid.

I'll bet your mom was just as helpful as mine.
They do know it all at 15, don't they?

I know my oldest will disappear on me when she gets 'of age' to do so. And it will break my heart. But I believe she will come back eventually, too. She just wants freedom and doesn't understand that it's not all it's cracked up to be. Some life lessons have to be learned the hard way. Wish I hadn't had to learn that first hand, too....

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