will my dogs keep a hawk away?


Apr 13, 2023
So just to paint a picture i live backed into the woods. my whole backyard area where the chickens free range is fenced in. I have 3 dogs ( 2 pitbulls 1 20 lb mix breed) i rehomed my rooster due to my kids being afraid of him. Now i am anxious of hawk attacks. i always have at least one of my big dogs outside with the chickens while i am home which is 99 percent of the time. if i know im going to be out a lot that day i keep the chickens in their run. my question is, will a hawk still try to swoop down and get one of my chickens even with my dogs outside?
Agree with @centrarchid the dog has to notice and decide to angage with the hawk. I have an outside dog, good with the chickens, not afraid to jump in and fight, but she has to hear a rucus first, so in the case of a hawk, that may be too late.
I have my husky out with my birds at all times
The only time hawks did swoop down was when she was in the duvk house and not outside where the birds were
I have had them circle above but not come lower when she is visible
That being said I had one swoop down when I was only 5 feet from my bird
I wasn’t visible to the hawk as I was under the covered deck
My bird ran towards me and the hawk took off to a tree further down and watched for a few mins then left
I find thd young ones are more gusty then the wiser old ones
There really is no guarantee of safety other then a coveted run but a dog , human or goose maybe able to make noise to spook them
A hungry desperate hawk may still try no matter what
Others on here have had hawks come down with them right there
It does depend on the dog, and the situation. And hawk attacks are FAST, so the dog may not be looking in the right direction, or have time to save the chicken, even if it matters to the particular dog.
As mentioned, only a covered run is truly safe.
So just to paint a picture i live backed into the woods. my whole backyard area where the chickens free range is fenced in. I have 3 dogs ( 2 pitbulls 1 20 lb mix breed) i rehomed my rooster due to my kids being afraid of him. Now i am anxious of hawk attacks. i always have at least one of my big dogs outside with the chickens while i am home which is 99 percent of the time. if i know im going to be out a lot that day i keep the chickens in their run. my question is, will a hawk still try to swoop down and get one of my chickens even with my dogs outside?
A hawk may or may not try to swoop down with a dog. But a good dog can learn to alert to a hawk BEFORE it comes down or even if they have settled in a nearby tree.

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