Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I don't think it is necessary to vaccinate home hatched chicks.. they are more immune to whatever you have on your place than chicks brought in from elsewhere.. IMHO

it has been so long since I posted any pics that I thought I would show you the Sebastopol geese that I put on Craig's list.. I think I have a gander and two geese.. At least one of them is laying eggs..
And Jim.... You old softie. Gonna fix up the keets legs instead of ripping off its head. You're just a big mush ball under that tutu!
Yah, I know,, there is just something about killing babies, ya know ?
I gave my neighbor 5 chickens of mine Tuesday night after we helped him finish up his coop, all have been free ranging at my place for months...

How long does he need to keep them in the coop/enclosed yard before he can safely let them out and know they will come back to his coop to roost? (4 are about 3 months old and one hen is 2 years old).

I told him to let them out tomorrow while he can supervise, and to keep training them to a "treat" call with bread etc.
HI all its been awhile!

Still working on Latte-the last dose of Corid seemed to make a huge difference but once again few days after stopping it, her legs appeared weak again. Meanwhile, I am giving her Duramycin-10 in her water to help with the cough/sneeze shes been doing. I need to repeat the Corid again but shes suppossed to stay on the duramycin for 7-10 days. Plus I need to worm her-dont want to double up on any of the medications-anyone know if any of the following can be used at the same time without hurting the pullet?
Eprinex pour on

At least shes starting to pig out and putting on a slight amount of weight-they really need to get out of this cage (Other than 2 hrs a night free ranging-they are in small cage)
HI OBSESSED! :welcome
You'll find lots of nice chicken folk here. What kind of flock do you have??? Oh, and most have all kinds of quackers too :D
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Judy... Can't you put Lattes cage outside during the day? Or is it outside already? Deli told me 15 min in direct sunlight kills cocci topically. But the fresh air, and sunlight is going to also give Latte her vitamins she may be needs to fight off the virus. Fresh greens too will help her out as well.

Also do you have Floragen? I think she may need super doses of good gut flora to get the cocci under control. Remember, all chickens have cocci all the time. It's when the levels go out of balance it become a problem. Soooooo... Since Latte had been on antibiotics so much her natural gut flora is gone. So Corid is controlling the cocci when she's On it. But then it flares up again because there is no natural fighters in her gut to keep it under control. Floragen is a super high powered acidophilus. It's expensive. But it seems like you really want Latte to make it. Then she's worth it.

I'm very sad for your ordeal with her. I know you are doing everything under the sun to help her. But it doesn't seem to be working. At least not permanently. I hope you consider my advice. I'm only trying to help. I give you lots of credit for sticking with this for so long!
I don't think it is necessary to vaccinate home hatched chicks.. they are more immune to whatever you have on your place than chicks brought in from elsewhere.. IMHO

it has been so long since I posted any pics that I thought I would show you the Sebastopol geese that I put on Craig's list.. I think I have a gander and two geese.. At least one of them is laying eggs..
Thanks Jim, I sorta thought that but it is nice to get verification from experienced birders. I'm not familiar with geese, and I'm sure this is normal for this particular breed, but I got a giggle from your gaggle, it look like they were have a "bad feather" day.

I gave my neighbor 5 chickens of mine Tuesday night after we helped him finish up his coop, all have been free ranging at my place for months...

How long does he need to keep them in the coop/enclosed yard before he can safely let them out and know they will come back to his coop to roost? (4 are about 3 months old and one hen is 2 years old).

I told him to let them out tomorrow while he can supervise, and to keep training them to a "treat" call with bread etc.
Good question. If we have a hen go broody again next year, our neighbor expressed interest in a few of the pullets. They currently have seven hens that come over and range with our girls. It gets to be a real hen party out there some days

Hello every one! I just found this forum and i am so excited! Glad to know there are so many WI people here.
Welcome duckobsessed

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