You People Are ALL CRAZY & NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

How funny. I have had a few people say the same thing about me. I get some raised eyebrows also when I start telling about all the various breeds we have.

Beautiful birds.
I know right
I call it a sickness also
it spreads just like a virus
I myself get it really bad around easter, when I here all the chicks peeping and I see all the fluffly butts runnying around.
LOL! I was SOOO confused until the end. I kept saying to myself "She sure talks like a chicken person for someone who says they hate them..."

anyone who spells it 'chickenz' will fit right in here!
She is a Seabright. Look them up under the breeds section.I love her.My cousin gave her to me because she was kicked out of the flock.The other chickens would not let her play any reindeer games! She came here to live with me & she is doing fine.My chickens let her right in & she is roostin with the others at night.She is my favorite!

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