Your very last chicken... what would it be?


Gilded Feather

May 21, 2019
KY-WV line
If you could only have one breed for the rest of your days, what would it be? What is the one chicken that will always have a place in your coop (and heart) and why? :)

Just curious to see all the responses and reasonings because I may or may not be needing to see what else I can add to my spring chick order list. :p

This is all just for fun. Pictures, rankings or long lists of recommended breeds will all be appreciated. ;)
Hmm, one breed I couldn't live without? That's really hard!! I love my barred Rocks, they're the most friendly of the bunch. But then you have Faverolles who are so goofy you just have to love them, and Brahmas are in the big sweet goofy category too.... and Easter Eggers with their beautiful eggs.... ok I can't pick :p
If you could only have one breed for the rest of your days, what would it be? What is the one chicken that will always have a place in your coop (and heart) and why? :)

Just curious to see all the responses and reasonings because I may or may not be needing to see what else I can add to my spring chick order list. :p

This is all just for fun. Pictures, rankings or long lists of recommended breeds will all be appreciated. ;)
I have only had one flock before, so I will go with my trusty Red Sexlinks.
Ooh, this is a herd one, lets see...... I would pick Cornish Cross, I love them (not to eat) best chickens you could ask for!
Only ONE !!!!!:barnie I’d never be able to chose!!
I like my RIR because egg production has been good and they have plenty of meat on them.
My EE’s lay such pretty eggs as well as my crested cream legbars and they both have jaunty feathering.
My white leghorn is just delicate to look at (and I’m hoping to round out my egg basket colors if she ever decides to start laying)
My buff Orpington has the sweetest personality (and lays the biggest eggs so far)
My ayam cemani (And his cross offspring) are just majestic to look at with their metallic shine to their feathers.
And my gold laced Wyandottes have pretty feathers / personality too, but both that I owned have had bumble foot so I’m starting to lean slightly away from those.

Yup, no choosing just one for me....unless it’s one ... Of everything!:drool:idunno
1. First choice are my Easter Eggers. Love those birds, roosters are sweet, hens are sweeter. Plus, those lovely eggs! Sweet personality's, tame, cold hardy, frostbite resistant and love-able. Cons are: Some of my girls aren't very good with heat, but then some of mine are very good with heat. They aren't the best when it comes to hiding from predators, either, or spotting them. And pretty submissive. If you have a flock of all of them, it shouldn't be to bad, but with my other birds such as my BRs and SLW's, they get the short end of the stick quite often.

2. Barred Rocks are my seconds choice. They're neck and neck with EE's, but I love them so much. Hardy and sweet, and amazing when it comes to predators. Never lost one to a predator. Not any cons that I've found, really. They live a long time, as well. One lived till 7, laid up until the day she died, the other was almost 10 and stopped laying a year before she passed, and the other is 5/6 years old and still laying. One I have found, now that I think of it, is they are very dominant. Almost always at the top.

3. Wyandottes. Those birds are the absolute best. Cold hardy, lovely eggs, friendly, resistant to frostbite. They can be a little bit aggressive, especially when you lose a bird and the pecking order gets screwed up. Overall, they are pretty awesome.
I honestly don’t know. The breed I’ve had the best experience with are silkies (my RIR was an a-hole, and my barred rock and sapphire gem are just month old chicks), and even then, I had to let go of a couple because they were aggressive roos, so that’s always fun. I want to try out a few breeds like the Cochin, Orpington, and Easter Egger though.

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