Your very last chicken... what would it be?

Your very last chicken... what would it be?
It is, and she's here. She's a Marans, but I wouldn't care what she was.
We've been together for almost ten years. She doesn't lay eggs really any more. Just a handful last year to show willing. We've seen lots come and go over the years. She could tell you some stories. I've told a few of hers.
Here's one of them.
And here she is. She popped over to lay an egg.
Interesting: Last winter I lost all but 4 of my birds to predators and, since I was to turn 81 in the fall, decided maybe the Universe was telling me it was time to get out of the chicken business after 30 years. My dear wife, however, talked me into doing just one more flock. So I sat down with McMurray's latest catalog and look through it to decide what those last birds would be. Unfortunately I could not decide on a single breed so ended up choosing 8 of the breeds I had the most luck with and enjoyed the most over the years. I'm not going to list them because the breeds aren't important--everyone has different tastes--but I selected 4 pullets of each. I now have a nice flock of 3 dozen birds that are producing eggs we enjoy and giving us pleasure in watching. I'm good for another 4 years at least.
Your very last chicken... what would it be?
It is, and she's here. She's a Marans, but I wouldn't care what she was.
We've been together for almost ten years. She doesn't lay eggs really any more. Just a handful last year to show willing. We've seen lots come and go over the years. She could tell you some stories. I've told a few of hers.
Here's one of them.
And here she is. She popped over to lay an egg.
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I remember that my grandpa had a polish chicken named Frodo that he was very attached to. Every time butchering season came around Frodo would lay one, tiny egg as if to say "I'm still laying. Don't butcher me please." Eventually he found another home for her, but oh how he loved that chicken.
Your very last chicken... what would it be?
It is, and she's here. She's a Marans, but I wouldn't care what she was.
We've been together for almost ten years. She doesn't lay eggs really any more. Just a handful last year to show willing. We've seen lots come and go over the years. She could tell you some stories. I've told a few of hers.
Here's one of them.
And here she is. She popped over to lay an egg.
View attachment 1996472

This is your last chicken, Shad? Why? I thought you had several tribes going. Pardon me for being nosy, but you opened the door ....
If you could only have one breed for the rest of your days, what would it be?

That is indeed a very hard question and one I hope never to have to decide in real life because I love so many of the breeds and for different reasons. But if we're talking about chickens and their personalities vs. egg production, I'd go with silkies. They are adorable, friendly fluffballs on legs. Super sweet. Eggs are small, they go broody a lot, but I can hug them and they just fall asleep in my arms. Every silkie I've had was super super sweet. (Sadly, I don't have one now!)
Hard to pick just one and I don't have allot of experience. But my current favorite is my little bantam Polish, Ruby (see Avatar). She's only 24 weeks old, just laid her first egg yesterday and is so sweet. Lately when I pick her up she lays her head down, closes her eyes and snuggles in! Who knew chickens would do that?! I had to re-home my Dominique and 2 Wyandottes because they were "too loud" for one neighbor. I also have a buff Orpington (1.5 years old), a silkie and a Barnevelder (also 24 weeks old). Love them too - so much personality in the coop and all very sweet chickens. All 3 young pullets laid first eggs yesterday...and it's January, so I was surprised.
If you could only have one breed for the rest of your days, what would it be? What is the one chicken that will always have a place in your coop (and heart) and why? :)

Just curious to see all the responses and reasonings because I may or may not be needing to see what else I can add to my spring chick order list. :p

This is all just for fun. Pictures, rankings or long lists of recommended breeds will all be appreciated. ;)
Plymouth Barred Rocks. They lay lots of eggs, are very friendly, and beautiful too!
1. First choice are my Easter Eggers. Love those birds, roosters are sweet, hens are sweeter. Plus, those lovely eggs! Sweet personality's, tame, cold hardy, frostbite resistant and love-able. Cons are: Some of my girls aren't very good with heat, but then some of mine are very good with heat. They aren't the best when it comes to hiding from predators, either, or spotting them. And pretty submissive. If you have a flock of all of them, it shouldn't be to bad, but with my other birds such as my BRs and SLW's, they get the short end of the stick quite often.

2. Barred Rocks are my seconds choice. They're neck and neck with EE's, but I love them so much. Hardy and sweet, and amazing when it comes to predators. Never lost one to a predator. Not any cons that I've found, really. They live a long time, as well. One lived till 7, laid up until the day she died, the other was almost 10 and stopped laying a year before she passed, and the other is 5/6 years old and still laying. One I have found, now that I think of it, is they are very dominant. Almost always at the top.

3. Wyandottes. Those birds are the absolute best. Cold hardy, lovely eggs, friendly, resistant to frostbite. They can be a little bit aggressive, especially when you lose a bird and the pecking order gets screwed up. Overall, they are pretty awesome.
I love these answers! I can definitely agree with you on Barred Rocks being dominant, and good at survival.

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