
  1. S

    New member experienced poultry homesteader

    Hey there my name is Melinda and my family raises chickens,ducks,turkeys and Guinea’s We live on 40 acres and have been hatching for a year. We started with 22 $1 ducks and now have over 200 poultry….lol I have pretty much every chicken breed-Murans,Olive Eggers,Speckled Sussex,Brahma...
  2. PhoenixManz

    Hi everyone!

    Hi all! Computer scientist turned farmer here! (Still work as a CS though) Growing up I always had chickens that my 2 siblings and I learned to take care of from our mother and grandmother. We moved to the big city life at some point and didn't have chickens, until my fiancee (now wife) and I...
  3. Chickenwithnobrim

    Dog crate see but no touch introduction

    Hi! I have a disabled chicken named Paddy whos got no upper beak. Shes come a long way and is wonderful. I have a chill silkie to keep her company and tomorrow im meeting up with a woman whos giving me another disabled hen to add to the tiny flock. She lost an eye somehow in the late...
  4. M

    Will she get attacked?

    A predator killed all but 1 of my Guinea fowl flock. She is very lonely & keeps escaping my pen. I know 2 people with Guineas who are willing to add her to their flock but I am worried since she is all by herself that they may attack her & be hard on her. I know with my chickens I have never...
  5. H

    Adding a Rooster to my Pullet flock

    Okay so I’m lost here because I see so many varying opinions- My flock is 14 pullets, they’re barred Plymouth Rock, buff orpington, and australorp. Thoughts on adding a rooster to a flock of my 17 week old pullets? They’re all just now beginning to lay. When I first got them I only wanted hens...
  6. O

    Introducing New Hens to a flock of 1

    Unfortunately I have lost three of my hens recently to an attack by the neighbours dog. We only have one left surviving, who we actually found in the dog’s mouth. However, she has pulled through and is still with us, although a little traumatised. I don’t want to introduce new hens just yet...
  7. filmcmahon

    Introducing chickens in winter?

    Hello everyone. We are down to our last hen unfortunately, her best mate just passed last night. They are three years old and her mate had just gone through a huge molt and the heat we have been experiencing just took her last bit of energy, she didn’t make it thru the night. Anyways, our last...
  8. S

    Introductions...bullying or normal behavior?

    I have 2 older hens (Easter Egger and Australorp). I was given an older hen (looks like the Easter Egger but much smaller) because she was being bullied and has no feathers on top and back of her head. (They had her for a few weeks from someone who didn't want chickens any more.) So currently...
  9. Diveks

    Introducing new lone chickens

    Hey everyone, one of two of my polish hens passed earlier this week and I don't want her to be lonely so i got 3-4 month old hens, (sebright, bantam cochin, and a younger brahma about the same size). I also have a lone bantam cochin roo thats really attached to people. Im not sure how to...
  10. M


    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes I am new to chickens and I am a first time chicken owner. I first got a chicken around May 2020. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 7 chickens and 3 chicks (3) What breeds do you have? 3 silkies, 3...
  11. GlamourGypsy

    How to introduce?

    I am sure there is a post somewhere about this but I couldn't find it. I have 1 adult (1.5 yrs) hen and 2 5wk old chicks. While I am not new to chickens in general I am new to the ins and outs of young to adult introductions. Question being, how and when do I put them together? Right now...
  12. K Mole

    Hello, my name is K Mole

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? When I was a kid we had chickens as pets and for eggs. We had one big flock and added to it as we came by chickens. We had many different breeds and made our own incubator and hatched our own chicks. At one point I'm pretty sure we...
  13. 5

    ~Hello Chicken Lovers~

    Hello there! I am the owner of: 🐥Four White Leghorn pullets 🐔 Four Golden Comet hens I plan on getting four more chicks this up coming spring hehe! I can't wait to meet all my fellow chicken enthusiasts, help them with their questions, and get help with my questions. Right now I am dealing...
  14. Ultraviolet928

    New Member Introduction!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I have had chickens for almost 4 years, and I first got them in 2015, but took a break and got more this year. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 4, but I am getting 5 more. (3) What breeds do you have? 4 ISA Browns...
  15. WildPrimal

    Should you sterilize your coop before adding new chickens to the flock?

    Hello everyone I am new to this website! I have been reading that you should sterilize your coop before introducing new chickens into your flock. I currently have three, 3 month old Rhode Island Red pullets and 4 Barred Rock chicks. The Rhode Island Reds are outside in my large wooden backyard...
  16. SmallTimeChicks

    What age do you introduce your chicks to flock?

    Hi there. I have 4 old pullets and a mean rooster. He’s not mean to the hens by any means; he does his job well. He simply hates humans. It's a small price to pay for the protection he provides my girls. I’ve been raising 8 female chicks in the same coop, with the chicks separated in a rabbit...
  17. plutond

    Introducing myself, plutond

    1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? No, I use to have chickens in prior to 2014 and stopped because my sons all grew up and my little girls were still to young to help. I am restarting because my little girls are now older and bored here at the farm and I miss fresh...
  18. B

    Introducing more chicks to the broody mom and 2 chicks

    Hi! I’m new to chickens but inherited a few from the prior homeowner. One of them went broody and we introduced 2 baby chicks to her (about 1 week old) 3 days ago. Everything went great. We want more chickens than 4 but I was nervous to introduce too many new birds since I’m new to this. We...
  19. ABaker787

    Finally Getting My Chickens!

    Hi all! I’ve been begging my husband for chickens for 6 years and he finally relented! I bought a “Chick-Inn” coop and run at Rural King and it’s a bit smaller than I anticipated; it says it’ll house up to three chickens comfortably. I’ll likely extend the run using some scrap lumber and chicken...
  20. Faizal786sunny

    Hello guys

    im new to here even tho I feel really happy to come here since I’m a big fan of roosters, and chicken
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