Anyone die from anticipation while waiting on hatching? UPDATE PICS!

Shelly, I am right there with you!!! Most of my eggs for this hatch pipped last night, so naturally I awoke expecting to see little chicks in that little white box this morning, but NO, nothing!!!

However, 5 are now out, and I'm forcing myself to NOT look at them for intervals of at least 10 minutes!
Tomorrow is Day 21, so I have nothing to complain about, really, but the suspense is killing me!!!

Congrats Shelly, I hope you have many more peeps, and many healthy chubby chicks. I just hatched 8 chicks out, and when I heard their peeps for the first time, I was so thrilled, I got the hubby to listen to them, but they didn't peep. This happened several times and I just couldn't believe, they'd peep for me when I peeped, but when hubby was around, they stopped.
So the hubby thought I was hearing voices.. cuckoo....

But I was at work for several days when the chicks did indeed hatch, and I missed all of it. But hubby got to experience all of that first hatch fun. This is our first time too, and we're learning as well.

Fortunately, sneaky me had already ordered 2 staggered batches of eggs, and bought another incubator, so now, we have 2 new batches of eggs incubating at staggered times. I'm Sheila and I'm such a Hatchaholic. Oh dear.

With that said, reading you guys posts, and seeing photos and reading the news here on BYC does make time pass faster and I don't feel as anxious and obsessive waiting for the chicks, so here's a cheer to all of you good folks out there. Thank you guys. We're all sharing one connection, and we're sending good vibes to one another. The world is a happier place because we're hatching chicks together. Go World Peace!!
I have eggs pipping right now!
They are taking their sweet time though. My daughter is talking to the eggs about every hour trying to get them to come out. Now, mind you, my daughter is 29!

I love it.
This is the best luck I've had incubating so far. I have about 20 looking good. I used a heat lamp hanging from a clothes rack. I have a cardboard box with a large square cake pan in the bottom of the box. Water is in the pan. 1x1 wire over the pan and perforated, non-slip shelf liner on top of the wire. I am getting more than 50% hatch rate!

three chicks hatched..
one in the brooder as it hatched this morning at 9:50..
two drying in the incubator for a bit...
two more looking like they want to pip.. one got turned by a marauding chick and I can't see the "spot" in question..

more waiting..

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I now have 5 fuzzy butts in the brooder...
and one more SERIOUS zip.. I keep encouraging her {gotta be a girl with all that determination
} to push on out. Yet another with what appeared at first to be a pip hole.. but now something is protruding from that hole.. doesn't look like a feather or a beak.. so not sure.. a little worried about that one.

that leaves 4 more and one of those I doubt will do anything since it candled suspicious.. but being inexperienced, I left it in there just in case.

Shewww.. all this hatching is exhausting.. but I am addicted!!!

Okay.. I now have 7 little Buff Fuzzy Butts in the brooder.. the egg I thought had something protruding was some sort of nastiness on the egg.. no pip. With the chicks knocking eggs around, I lost sight of pip #7..came home from Church to chick #7 so it all came out well. Three eggs still "cooking" (one more candled weak but still in there for now).. lock down for other 31 will be tomorrow for Wednesday hatch.. cutting it close but humidity has been good for these so hoping for the best. As soon as chick #7 dries out.. I'll take a picture of them all.

I appreciate all the encouragement for my first hatch



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I can't decide which is better, watching a chick hatch, or coming home to find a pipped egg has turned into a fully hatched chick?

Both are terribly exciting - but the latter does cut some of the anxiety down, doesn't it???

Such cute babies.
OK, I'm a little late here, just have too much going on right now...

Out of 13 original serama eggs, one quit the first week, another quit the second week, so I wound up with 11 out of 13 babies! Here's a pic taken Sunday morning...I have another group due for Christmas!



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