At what age do u feed baby chicks finisher feed?


6 Years
Jul 29, 2013
South Carolina
I have 4 Rhode island x red sex link chicks, their lil over 4 weeks old, so i was wanting when to start them a finisher? I've raised chicks befor, but i didnt know u put them on a finisher befor laying feed, i just gave them chick feed till they were 18 weeks, is this ok or do they need the finisher? Thanks
Hi Chickadee-23,
normally people feed 'chick starter' to about 6 weeks, then 'chick grower' till point of lay or just a bit earlier. Pullet 'finisher' is for heritage type birds that may be full sized but not ready to lay for several weeks after coming off the grower feed. (This is because adult sized birds that aren't laying don't need the higher protein of grower feed, but don't yet need the high calcium of layer.) For fast-maturing layers it's probably sensible to go straight from grower to layer food at about 15-17 weeks.
I may be speaking of a different labeling system, as I'm in Australia, but I hope this helps.
Erica explained this very well. I just wanted to add a couple of things:

Depending on where you live, you might have a "Starter" and a "Grower" as separate feed options. Some places ONLY sell a "Starter/Grower". The easiest way to decipher what is correct for you and the particular feed you are offering is to check the bag itself. There are always feed-specific directions on the bag. Unless, of course, you are buying from a grainery with their own mixed feed. In that case, I would ask someone at the grainery who would know.

Otherwise, you can safely follow Erica's instructions :)

Not an endorsement of Purina feeds, but an example of what is either printed right on the feed bag or available on the feed companies website. Feeding charts are helpful in understanding the feed company's thinking on scheduling.
I have the same question, and what would your opinion be for my little flock (2 barred rocks, 2 buff orphingtons, golden wyandotte and specled sussex) larger breeds right, partial free range, would be-layers almost 8 weeks. The chart is a little vague. What do you feed yours?
Thanks everyone for info, I use demour from my local TSC store on the back of bag it says about 10 weeks use a finishe/grower it only comes in a 50lb bag which is way to much for 4 chickens thanks for advice

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