Bald Red Butt! (Gross Pics)


13 Years
Mar 15, 2011
Fort Worth, Tx
Hi BYC Peeps! I have not had to be on in awhile as things have been going well with the girls. However I need your help now.

Wilma my BR has a bald red butt. I know someone must be picking her but I cant figure out who it is. I am sure you will tell me to isolate her and I am working on her "hospital" room tomorrow. What I want to know is what is the best treatment to get her back to a fluffy butt.

This has been going on for about 2 weeks. It started as just a small pinkish bald spot to we trimmed all poop covered feathers from the area and used Blu Kote. That did not seem to help.

After about a week we again tried the Blu Kote but also put neosporin (non pain med variety) on it cause it was very red and looked painful

It does not look like the feathers are coming back at all. I have checked her for bugs (and all the other girls also) and found nothing. Now I have a Brahma that is starting to get a bald spot.

As far as putting her in the chicken hospital, I imagine that is will take some time for her feathers to come back in and I worry about her having to fight her way back into the flock. Can I keep her separate for most of the day and put her out with the girls every night when they go up to roost so that she is kinda with them?

Today it looked like this:

Both of my SLW had bare butts and backs(when I mean bare, I mean not a SINGLE feather!) for quite a long time and I never had anything covering the bare spots for a while. I eventually fitted a chicken saddle to one of them and feathers started to slowly grow back. How are your roosts placed? When hens go to roost, pecking is so easy when another hen is sitting above/below/in front of/ you.
I switched to only one bar for a roost for my 7 hens instead of two and feathers started to grow back. You could try something like a chicken diper to cover up the spot(I've haven't tried that yet). Has your hen molted yet? When my hens molted this year a full set of feathers covered up the bald spots.
Keeping your hen seperated for a while will help a lot. It shouldn't take too long for feathers to grow back for a small spot like that. My SLW butts had lost all of the fluffiness from them so it took a long time for feathers to come back. Good luck with your bald butt hen!
Did not think of a diaper. Maybe I can get her one and she can stay with the flock for a few hours each day. We do have 2 roost poles and one is lower than the other. We checked and they all seem to be on the top one but who knows what happens when we are not out there watching. We will be removing one of the roosts for sure.

Anyone else have any tips or treatment tips? Is the Blu Kote and Neosporin a good idea?
If she's doing it to herself - or the others are doing it - try pine tar. It's an antiseptic, and it tastes nasty to them... so it'll prevent them from continuing the action. It'll also help heal the sore spot. I just recently dealt with two of my hens getting pecked, and the pine tar was a total miracle! They're healing up nicely with new feathers coming in. It took about a week and a half for the new feathers to start appearing. Pine tar will be with the horse tack stuff:

I was super paranoid about it, but they did just fine... no adverse affects. I had to COVER the area and surrounding feathers with it. When I initially put it on them, just on the bald spots, the pecking continued on the surrounding feathers that weren't covered. Wear GOOD plastic gloves when working with it, and old clothes... I just spooned it on using a plastic spoon. For the flighty hen, I just waited until she went into the coop and locked her in there while we treated her. If you get it on yourself, a good lemon sugar scrub will get rid of the awful smell.
Thanks for the tip! I will try anything at this point. My mother in law is making me a chicken diaper so I can keep it covered as well.

Did not think of a diaper. Maybe I can get her one and she can stay with the flock for a few hours each day. We do have 2 roost poles and one is lower than the other. We checked and they all seem to be on the top one but who knows what happens when we are not out there watching. We will be removing one of the roosts for sure.

Anyone else have any tips or treatment tips? Is the Blu Kote and Neosporin a good idea?

If your bald butt hen is sitting above other hens on the roost, the hens on the lower roost could be reaching up and picking at the feathers. Hopefully removing one of the roosts will help!

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