Can you feed chickens Artichokes?


10 Years
Jan 4, 2010
Folsom, CA
I have a raw artichoke, FULL of bugs, not to be eaten by people, is it safe for the chickens? What about the cooked leavings of the good artichokes after dinner? Stem, scraped leaves... Will the "choke" part be too much for the birds?
yeah, all the lists I've seen don't mention artichokes... I don't wanna hurt my girls though! I guess if no one knows, I'll just trow them away.
Now there is a dandy question. I don't think cooked artichoke would be a bad thing but raw maybe. Artichoke is a thistle I believe and I know parts of it are not edible by humans. If you have some leftovers that have artichoke in it then I don't think I would worry but I think I would skip just a raw artichoke from the garden.
i have fed my chickens raw and cooked, they will pick at the bits they like and leave the hard stuff,
it was a big sucses with them!

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