found egg broken shell mising and yolk intact


6 Years
Mar 13, 2017
this morning found the entire egg shell gone but the yolk intact laying in nest box.
I had taken the wooden ones out cause found hen laying on the wooden one. But I wonder
if I had been wrong in giving the pullets egg shells (crushed) maybe not crushed enough? (1/4")
the eggshells was nowhere to be seen. yesterday, found the same pullet laying in the middle box
and the egg was intact but dented, the shell was not broken through.
I had been providing these crushed egg shells free choice but it seemed like it was always knocked
Can anyone help before it gets to be a problem. thanks
we are feeding them chicken layer feed and they are 23 weeks and they just started
laying. It was the only egg I found. Found another one in the run.
the one in the run was fine. not broken. so, maybe it just got broken and the chicken
didn't do it.
First time layers have been known to lay shell-less eggs. It may well be the case in your situation. Make sure they have plenty of free choice Oyster Shell and give them some high protein treats. An egg eater would have eaten the yolk.
Sometimes it is considered a "bloop" egg. I'd just suggest keeping an extra eye out and feeding them more calcium. No need to worry unless it happens more than a few times this week. :)
Eggs shells are fine, won't make them into egg eaters, I crush them and mix with oyster shell in a container attached to the wall so it can't be tipped over.
New layers often do some 'curiosity' pecking. Best to gather eggs frequently and leave the fakes in the nests.

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