:lau Well, I’m a bit of a self-described chicken wh*re. To begin with I only wanted regular brown eggs, as I had only ever had white store bought eggs. My first purchase was was Buff Orpingtons, Amberlink, and Red Star. I was a happy chicken keeper until I really began to read up on the different breeds and that’s when I went a little rogue and ordered one each of the following breeds: Australorp, BCM, RIR, Blue Ameraucana (Black), SGDorking, GLW, CW, Buckeye, Barnevelder, Partridge Cochin, CCL, EE, NHR, WPR, BPR, SS, Dom. Male & female of each Welsummer and SLW and three NN (from TSC straight run bin. 2M/1F). I really wanted some OE so I hatched out some of my fertile eggs (Welsummer over EE, CW, BPR, and WPR) and out of 12 chicks there were only 4 pullets, 2 were OE. :yesss: Anyway, I kept 5 of those hatched (January 2019) and order 12 more little pullets in March. Two of each BCM, BO, Partridge OE, Partridge Penes, Blue Ameraucana (Blk and Splash) and finally one Super Blue Egger and CCL. Whew, that is an exhausting list, but I LOVE them all. Some, of course, more than others. Other than my OG’s (Original Gangsta hens), I believe the one I’m most proud of is the little cockerel I have raised. He’s #13 and so far is perfect. He was the first one of my incubated eggs to hatch. He is a Welsummer/BPR cross and is beautiful. The barring is there with a little of the Welsummer reds coming through and he looked like his steely gray barring was rusting a little, thus I named him Rusty.
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He is now the only male running around with 37 females (all breeding age) and is having the time of his life. I’m sure he’ll be all grouchy a little later when most of the girls start molting and tell him NO. He does have the 12 little ones that are absolutely in love with him and he has done a wonderful job pulling them into the main flock. Here he is with a few of the new ones.
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And with the flock as a whole.
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I’m sure you weren’t looking for all that, but I really love all the birds I have. I love my chicken adventure!:celebrate
That rooster is HUGE! he is so pretty!!!
Ahh,screw it. I called a breeder I know here that deals with NNs. I'm waiting for a call back, but if she has some available I'm going to grab a couple tomorrow.
I can't get this cross out of my mind now!

I hope you'll share results :pop
Have you eaten any of the AC meat? I'm curious about taste. I need to read back through @Compost King thread and see if he commented on it. He's also who mentioned the sex link. I'm interested because I always thought a white NN with black skin would be cool looking. Or barred with black skin :eek:That would be cool.
The Sex Link for black skin/meat trait is that the Father will pass on the Black skin/meat trait to the females but not the males. I honestly want to breed me up a full Naked Neck male with black skin/meat and use him to breed with just about any hen and make bow tie sex links.
Ahh,screw it. I called a breeder I know here that deals with NNs. I'm waiting for a call back, but if she has some available I'm going to grab a couple tomorrow.
I can't get this cross out of my mind now!

Great! Make sure the NN's are hen's for it to work. Keep any black NN pullet's from out of the breeding, and put them back to the daddy to reinforce the fibro-trait.
Are naked necks available in bantam size?

I'm not sure if they are anymore or not. Everyone seem's to have gotten them and then bred them for bigger meat bird's, or bred them for the Showgirl's.

Edit: Maybe if you took some showgirl silkies and kept breeding them to straight feathered bantam's you might be able to get some smaller one's.

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