"Have a blessed day"


We're all mad here
11 Years
Jan 13, 2011
Glen, MS
I was recently reading a website, forget what it was, but someone commented that the phrase "Have a Blessed Day." bothered them. They said it was mostly the "Religious nuts" that said this, and they took it as them pushing their religion on them. I myself have NEVER been bothered by such a phrase. I've never been one to particularly flaunt my religion, but I don't mind people who do either...then again, I've never taken that phrase as a particularly religious one either...so my question is this, does this phrase annoy you? If so, why?
Blessed isn't really religious, I mean it is used in a lot of religions so it really isn't beholden to just one religion it is really just a more formal way of saying "Have a good day", and I thing that it's a sweet thing to say.
The phrase does not bother me. I consider the term the same as 'have a nice day'.
I see nothing wrong with it, and I don't think it's religious at all.
It honestly never occurred to me until then that any offense could or should be taken. I myself never say such things, but I never thought it could ever be offensive either.

I don't like being called "Sweetie" or "Honey"...but I have accepted it as a southern thing and it doesn't really bother me anymore.
It doesn't bother me in the least, in fact, I like it! I think it is nice to see people wishing this for others, religious or not. It's hard to believe anyone would object to "have a blessed day" but think it's okay to watch comedians and movies with f-bombs and cursing of every description every other word. To each his own, I guess.
Yes, it is a religious phrase, to put it simply. Some of the synonyms for blessed are "holy" and "sacred", and in a nutshell means to be "divinely favored". What isn't religious about that? I find the phrase annoying, to say the least.
Maybe a reply with a "blessed be", which is a fairly standard pagan version, will give the "blessed day" person something to think about. It is polite, and says that maybe the "blessed day" greeting isn't appropriate for you. Much nicer than walking away annoyed, but without any satisfaction, because a rude reply would be going too far.
Maybe it's just me, but I don't see how it's anything to be offended ABOUT. I would think the person's intentions, being nice, would make the saying just that, a polite phrase.

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