"Have a blessed day"

Ask Bargain...She says it in all her auctions, thread, and such. It would only be annoying if I were to be told or read that MANY MANY times in a day ( which hasn't happened) -because it sticks out more so than have a good day...

I was annoyed at work in a meeting the other day. The speaker kept repeating our town...then paused..then said the State we live in...hello??? Everyone at the meeting had been raised in our town. We knew where he was talking about just by mentioning our town's name!!! -The speaker had been living there for over 10 years ANNOYING!!!
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See, this has always been my thoughts on it. I guess I never really thought anyone could possibly be offended by a kind gesture.
Most of my working life has been in restaurants, and when I think of that phrase it has came from managers or co-workers to very hard to please customers. They are saying it to people with an unchristian- like personality, so on a website or forum I would take a little offense. You can't hear their tone so I would wonder. But if they mean it then its okay by me.
I get "attacked" by the larger religious groups in my area. I am very tolerant of others and their beliefs but I would rather they not come up to me and tell me I'm going to Hell just because they feel like and I get rather tired of being handed "literature" while I'm at work.
It just doesn't sit well with me.
Have a blessed day? That's fine. That's something nice to say!
It's not like it's..."Jesus wants you to have a good day and I do too but only if you like Jesus" That would be annoying.
I say "have a good day" It's all the same!
Sorry...just thought I'd throw my opinion in...
People think I'm harsh...really I'm not.
Don't shove your things down my throat.
We can have a conversation and I'd be more than happy to!
But please....don't bother me while I'm grocery shopping just to tell me I'm going to Hell because you don't like the way I look.
(slight rant...)
I'd think it was a religious comment....but who cares. Someone is being nice/polite to you, be thankful for it. And be kind in return.
Someone could say a lot worse to you. I would return kindness with kindness. I have no problem with "religous" people they do mean well most of them and usually want to share what the the Lord has done for them.
I do believe it is called tolorance...... They aren't really aren't saying anything agaist your religion...... but uplifting you, in any religion your choise!??
"Darl" is another one. I know people mean well, but it's especially awkward if a man says it to me.

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