Help! Guinea Eggs Hatching One has what looks to be a birth defect

Good I'm feeling a little relieved that there is some hope for this little guy. Another question we had another guniea born this morning when do I need to remove him? There is still around 15 eggs waiting to hatch
Good I'm feeling a little relieved that there is some hope for this little guy. Another question we had another guniea born this morning when do I need to remove him? There is still around 15 eggs waiting to hatch

Really as long as the new hatched keet is not being disruptive then leave them they are only growing as a super rate right now and do you have the brooder all wormed up and ready to except your new feathered friends .........

What is the total number of hatchlings thus far ???

And you have 15 to go right ....

Waiting is the hardest part but watching can be the best part so if you must open the incubator get the room around 100 F or hotter and make sure there is no breeze in the room and move fast as you are at the most critical stage of the game ...... Oh the little guy from yesterday are you keeping him damp or has he dried out .......
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

You are in good hands with Gander here. He is the keet expert!

I hope the little guy makes it.
Thank you!

The little guy from yesterday is still in the incubator his eyes are both open but he still has the sack attached he looks like he's starting to dry but we can't take him out because we still have about 14 eggs that have not yet hatched but we can see cracks in them. We have three guineas that hatched today that are also in the incubator they look fine. Should we take the guineas out tonight that hatched today quickly? I'm afraid it's getting to dry in there or should I just leave all that hatchlings in there until all eggs hatch? I'm so new at this I'm so sorry for all of the question. I really really really appreciate all of your advice and help
. The 3 that arrived today
Awe they are so cute at this stage and just fun to sit and watch .......

Do you have a big beach towel or kid's blanket by chance ....

How is your humidity ????????

Do you have a clean squirt bottle for misting ,,this is a must item so if you do not have one put it on your list for next time you do a hatch ..........
I have towels yes, I do not have a mist bottle. I don't no what are humidity is at we were not expecting to hatch eggs this all happened so quick with the mother getting killed so we bought a styrofoam incubator at TSC it has a thermometer in it but nothing that measures humidity levels

My husband & I found 18 Guinea eggs outside. We brought them in & placed them in an incubator. Today we had 1 hatch & we were all super excited until we noticed it struggling to stand. It's been 4 hours now since it's hatched & still is not standing & there is a sack attached to it. Some people have told me this is a prolapsed anus & I am terrified of what's wrong or what will happen. We've never hatched eggs before so all of this is new. Please help! I've attached a picture to see if anyone knows what's wrong. I'm afraid to remove this keet in fear of what will happen to the other eggs still in the incubator.

From what I can see in this picture, it looks like some of the yolk sack attached to the umbilical. I had several hatch like this about 18 days ago. One much worse than the others. This one I am talking about had this huge bulge, it dried out and I didn't know what to do for it. As it happened, I didn't ask and I didn't find out what to do until the scab or whatever it was, was gone. The chick had a bald spot where the scab was but seems perfectly healthy now. I just don't know if it is a pullet if it will be able to lay eggs or not.

What I am saying is that if the chick is going to make it, the bulge shouldn't be a problem. It seems like they take care of themselves. I was worried about these chicks being in with other chicks but the other chicks didn't bother them. I guess because they were all so young.
I have towels yes, I do not have a mist bottle. I don't no what are humidity is at we were not expecting to hatch eggs this all happened so quick with the mother getting killed so we bought a styrofoam incubator at TSC it has a thermometer in it but nothing that measures humidity levels

Alright I totally understand what you are going through so get your towels and soak them in warm water and place on a plate so they do not drip all over now this is a two person operation so be ready to move and you are going to raise the humidity in the incubator by doing this alright .......

One person is going to open the incubator and the other is going to put the wet worm towels in the incubator as fast as possible but with out disturbing anything and the humidity will jump as soon as you close the incubator lid .....

Notice to the rear of this incubator a blue hand towel and do you notice how it is folded well it holds water a lot easier and releases the water for humidity at a slow rate and this is what you are going for and the chicks just might lay down on it and this is fine ...........

You do not want to have the air in the incubator dry at this point ...........

If you have questions ask and I will try to help as I normally do several hatches a year and this incubator I purchased in 1997 and have used it every year from that time .................
That news sounds great! Thank you! I am terrified this baby won't make it. I hope everything works out for it.

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