I have RUINED this duckling!


Flock Mistress
12 Years
Feb 28, 2007
South Eastern Indiana
Some of you know my post earlier....am I doing this right? Well....the duckling made it just fine. The problem is, momma duck flew off.
So, I am momma duck. Ohhhh boy!! This little one is NOT happy unless it is sitting on my shoulder, cuddled up next to my neck, under my hair.
It squeaks NON STOP!
I have tried the stuffed animal, mirror..no good. Its warm...it has food and water..and is fine if I am holding it. Ohhhh jeesh! I just dont have time to hold a baby all day! What is a "momma duck" to do!??
I have one of those. She hatched as an only on October 9th and lived in our bathroom while she feathered out. The only problem, she think she's one of us, won't associate with the other ducks, and is still living in the bathroom shower. I haven't figured out where to move her yet!

Have fun with your little duckling. We love our Button and she thinks she's a member of the family.

Get another baby duck of course!!!

Too funny! I can just picture you wearing one of those baby carrier slings in miniature for your little duck!!
OF COURSE!!! THATS IT! Now why didnt I think of that!?? LMAO!!! Oh DH will think I have TOTALLY lost it now. great idea.....going to try to fashion one now! LOL
MayberrySaint...you dont need to have water on your property to keep them happy. A simple kiddy wading pool will do! You will need to change it daily, as duckies are quite messy lil things (I am finding this out! Phew!) but the fun of watching them play tag and duck under the water with their lil bums up in the air is priceless. We dont have water on our property either. Though, my lovely DH who SAYS he is tired of animals, is putting in a pond and water fountain next weekend.
He says we can put fishies in it!

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