I have RUINED this duckling!

i raised 2 duckies, and they got along fine with my chickens and other animals. Mine were also so spoiled and always had to have human contact. I had to sleep with my hand hanging in the basket with them at night. I swear one of my babies was afraid of water, he would freak out and want out of the water. It was rather interesting to watch.
What a cutey pie
Where was your post about the baby duck? I missed it. What kind is it, it's sooo cute.
Thanks for the pic, looks very happy in Mama's hands.

thats just too cute my friend had raised a duck with her dog's well to say the least he thought he was a dog he'd even play fetch well he's finly figured out he's a duck and just loves his new self and the other ducks:clap
Baby ducks are very non-aggressive, and they have mingled their way into my chicken flock without trouble. If the big chickens get too frisky for them, they head for the water because chickies no likey water! They're smarter than you'd think!
Miracle is part mallard...and part..black something or other. Here is a pic of her(i hope its a her) daddy


The top photo, is Shadow....who I believe is her daddy...might be a Muscovy daddy...but momma was definately a little mallard we rescued last year.
How gorgeous, id love to see ducky in the sling!!!
My ducks terrorise my poor chickens, especially 16 year old Goldilocks so it isnt working out.
Some people have much better luck with chookies and ducks.
my duckies loved my chicks. they would cuddle and hug with them. $h mom I'm trying desperatly to talk my hubby into building me a little pond like thing. We go on of those 110 gallon buckets from TS and once we figure out how to keep the goats from drowning....are going to put it in the field for my geese and later the ducks. Crystal
Deb, I'm not the kind that says "I told you so" but, if I were, I'd say, "I told you so"!!!!!
It sounds cute to have a duck so in love with it's "mommy" but it can get worrisome after a while, I know, being a former duck mommy! I used a sling on my little OEGB who's spine was injured by a rooster, and it worked great. Wish I could send it to you but I already gave it to someone else. The sling does work wonders! Just be sure to have lots of disposable diapers handy!

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