I'm so old I Remember when:

Ask @MACCanadianCoop how she pronounces it.
I'll bet she says al- you- mini- yum, like an Englisher. 😉 She's Canadian, right? I don't know where they get the extra "i" but it sounds impressive!

I tried and tried and can not say it like that one person does. How'd it go? Alunimun? Made my tongue hurt and my left eyeball got a cramp in it.

I have no idea. We always just called it french rolled
My son wore his jeans that way but they weren't Bugle Boys. You crease them tightly around your legs from knee to ankle, then roll them up two or three narrow rolls. They stay tightly rolled. Unlike how I used to roll mine, which was just to fold them up twice, they stayed baggy although they were shorter.
I know, and if I do say something in opposition, often no one will respond to my posts for a while. Maybe I just don't know how to disagree politely? But I try...
Don't back down. Don't rely on the crowd for affirmation.
What do you call thousands of people with the wrong answer? (Wrong!)
I posted this on another site this morning from someone much more eloquent than I.
I'll bet she says al- you- mini- yum, like an Englisher. 😉 She's Canadian, right? I don't know where they get the extra "i" but it sounds impressive!

I tried and tried and can not say it like that one person does. How'd it go? Alunimun? Made my tongue hurt and my left eyeball got a cramp in it.

My son wore his jeans that way but they weren't Bugle Boys. You crease them tightly around your legs from knee to ankle, then roll them up two or three narrow rolls. They stay tightly rolled. Unlike how I used to roll mine, which was just to fold them up twice, they stayed baggy although they were shorter.
I think your first quote/reply is from a different thread FYI. 😉

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