I'm so old I Remember when:

We live 5 minutes from the nearest ambulance station. But last time we needed one, that bus was out on a cardiac call. So they ordered one from the other side of the county. Unfortunately, the map app got them hopelessly lost. My SIL is on the ambu board, called them and got them unlost. It took 45 minutes to get help here. My GirlChild was hurting but not dying, thank goodness. Life can be challenging anywhere.

We do that on walks. My whole family is rather unmindful of our surroundings while walking (not good, I know!) but since I have gone for the most walks, and am just more alert I guess, I’m always yelling “car!” Unfortunately I’ve got a lower voice and apparently no one can hear me :rolleyes:.
Buy a whistle?

I can't even imagine. What if there's an emergency? They wait for a bus?
Uber? Metro? Taxi?
Where I live, it'll take 15-20 minutes for an ambulance to get to my house. If it's serious, yeah, I could be dead before they get there.

But I'm not living my life based on a possible emergency that might or might not ever happen someday. I live out here for the here and now.
In the city here e have a Fire Station three blocks away and they usually get to a medical call before Police of EMT and they are trained in basics.
In the city here e have a Fire Station three blocks away and they usually get to a medical call before Police of EMT and they are trained in basics.
Fire and ambulance are merged here and all firefighters are EMT ( at least). Fire and ambulance are almost always dispatched together; may come from different stations though based on previous calls and that only the county has ambulance service.
Hold up! When do the police get there?!?!? 48, 72hrs after.
Sometimes. That's why if it a dire emergency and the 911 operator sounds wishy-washy, call back and report a fire.
you may have to answer for it but you'll be alive to do so.
I know they're probably overwhelmed in New Orleans, but seriously that long?
Traffic accidents are handled by contractors.
A while back they weren't dispatching for rapes. Come in and make a report. :he (Did I mention I'm ready to scoot?)

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