Is this feasible?

I agree. We put in a mini orchard already on a bit of the land that won't be affected by building- fruit trees (apples, plums, apricots, figs, pawpaws and persimmons), berry bushes (blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, and boysenberries), and vines (grape and maypops). I wanted to given them as much of a head start as I could.
I’m curious, why the chunnels? I understand protecting your flock but they will learn to watch the sky and protect themselves by running to hide. Lots of shrubs and stuff for cover would work just as well. Chunnels turn to dirt paths that your flock will travel as they look out at all the greens and bugs they can’t reach.
I've seen some pretty elaborate chunnels so pretty sure that would work fine, as far as navigation. Unless you're talking hundreds upon hundreds of feet of tunnel, they should be able to navigate back to home base for food and water without issue.

As long as they're homed to the coop they should return at night without you needing to do anything.
Yeah, as long as it's not too long/branchy they'd be fine. If you're worried, you can always give them a few landmarks too so the tunnels don't all look the same. My free range chickens know every inch of my 10 acre property (and the neighbors:idunno), they'll learn the layout.

I saw someone run a tunnel from their coop and around their garden once, so the chickens ate all of the ground bugs that tried to get to their crops but couldn't eat their plants, it was an awesome idea.
Creating a homestead is a lot of work, but so totally worth it. To some, it seems like a never ending list of chores, but the rewards make up for it. Definitely get longer to mature trees and plants in as soon as you can. Plan where your livestock will go before you bring home that first animal. Have fun!

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