its a little older now maybe someone can help figure out boy or girl?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 13, 2011
Frankfort, ky
I have figured out it is a blr mixed with a black laced i think. but i'm still not sure if its a boy or girl its about 10 weeks old and no crowing yet but neither is my white leg horn roo that is also 10 weeks old. please help?
Given the intensity of the red coming in over the shoulders, the size of the wattles, and the comb size/redness, I would have to say cockerel. It's not uncommon for your boys to not be crowing yet. I have at least 4 cockerels in my grow off pen that are all right around 4 months old and only one, my OEG banty, is crowing.

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