Loose 4 week old chick


Crossing the Road
May 10, 2020
Chester, Nova Scotia
My Coop
My Coop
I went to give my chicks some fresh water about 30 minutes ago, the door didn’t close behind me and 4 chicks got out. I was able to get 3 back in but one of my flighty breeds, an azure blue, decided to run down through the woods.

I followed her for about 10 minutes but she got into brush that was too thick for me to follow. So I assume she’s either going to become someone’s meal or she may be found by someone (hopefully that option for her sake)

I’m sitting out on the deck watching for her. I even walked up and down the road that boarders the other side of our property thinking I might see her but the growth is way too thick.

What are the chances of a 4 week old chick finding her way back? 😬☹️
Put the other chicks in a cage/crate and bring it out to where you think she is. She should be attracted by the others.

You might want to consider putting a "baby gate" at the doorway. Something you can step over but they can't yet fly over.
Hey guys, wasn’t able to update yesterday as it was an early start to work and late getting home.

We kept checking and listening for her all night. No sign of her anywhere. I looked out at the chicks coop first thing in the morning and there she was pacing back and forth trying to get in!

My husband and I ran out and were able to get her back in without anymore drama. She made have heard our older girls clucking and our rooster crowing or maybe she is just a smart lucky girl. Either way, she’s safe and back where she belongs.

Chickens are so amazing. ❤️✨

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