My chicken is sick and can't stand


May 1, 2024
I have two birds that are malnurished. I have been feeding them wet chicken food and they have been eating that. I also feed them cooked eggs, the first bird ate almost the whole thing so I think she is on her way to recovery. The second one only took a few nibbles and that was it. I have been giving them both rooster booster electrolytes.

The second bird isn't doing good, she can barely walk and is just sitting. She was able to walk yesterday. I gave her sugar water to help her energy. I made her a plate of eggs but she won't eat.
After I gave her water her stomach is making noises?

I do have a couple ideas to what it could be but I'm not sure what to do.

They have lice but I don't know how to get rid of them. I tried diatomaceous earth but that didn't work. I don't know how to get rid of them, what would be the best way?

They could have worms and that's why they are really skinny but I don't know. I don't know what I would so about that with her so skinny, it might make things worse. Unfortunately I can't get them to a vet since we can't afford it.


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I used premo poultry spray to get rid of lice on my one chicken. She was sick and got infested because she wasn't dust bathing. I would treat that asap. Keep offering sweetened water to get her blood sugar up. See if she'll eat some cooked chicken.
For lice I bought poultry dust at the feed store. It comes in a taller skinny white shaker bottle. I did it one day waited 3 days and did it again and it worked really well. The lice mine had were skinny and the color of straw.
Lice eggs hatch every 10 days and reproduce. So you need to treat the lice, and in 10 days treat them again for the newly hatched ones. Then check them again in 10 more days. I use permethrin garden dust or spray, which is found in most feed stores. Here is an example of the spray:'s&utm_campaign=21106613227&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIkt3gqqzthQMV71z_AR17IAZXEAQYBiABEgKIvvD_BwE
And here is the dust:

For worming, Valbazen 1/2 ml orally once and again in 10 days given orally is very good. Shake it well. Also there is SafeGuard liquid goat wormer or horse paste 1.25 ml for a 5 pound chicken given once and in 10 days for only roundworms. Give that one for 5 consecutive days to get capillary and gapeworms as well.

Get you hen drinking well. She might be dehydrated. Is she losing weight? Laying eggs recently? How does her crop feel?
@SmiYa0126 @MamaPoult @Eggcessive I took care of her bug problem but she is too lethargic to drink, she won't open her eyes and she can't stand. I tried to syringe feed her but she won't drink that either. I was able to give her sweetened water yesterday and she ate a little bit. Her breathing is very light.I want to at least get her energy up so I can feed her, so I bought the save a chick electrolytes. It will arive tomorrow. But I don't think she will make it by then.


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Lice eggs hatch every 10 days and reproduce. So you need to treat the lice, and in 10 days treat them again for the newly hatched ones. Then check them again in 10 more days. I use permethrin garden dust or spray, which is found in most feed stores. Here is an example of the spray:'s&utm_campaign=21106613227&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIkt3gqqzthQMV71z_AR17IAZXEAQYBiABEgKIvvD_BwE
And here is the dust:

For worming, Valbazen 1/2 ml orally once and again in 10 days given orally is very good. Shake it well. Also there is SafeGuard liquid goat wormer or horse paste 1.25 ml for a 5 pound chicken given once and in 10 days for only roundworms. Give that one for 5 consecutive days to get capillary and gapeworms as well.

Get you hen drinking well. She might be dehydrated. Is she losing weight? Laying eggs recently? How does her crop feel?
I can't deworm her yet because she is weak. And she is loosing weight, she's very thin. I have been trying to get her to eat, she did eat a little yesterday. Some wet chicken feed and a little bit of cooked egg. Today I haven't gotten her to eat at all.
Hi, can you scramble some yolk, drizzle some maple syrup on it and try to tuck a few chunks into her beak. Watch her swallow before giving more. I would also cook up a small about of ground beef to get her iron up. Can you offer cucumber or watermelon for hydration. Poor sweet girl 😢
Hi, can you scramble some yolk, drizzle some maple syrup on it and try to tuck a few chunks into her beak. Watch her swallow before giving more. I would also cook up a small about of ground beef to get her iron up. Can you offer cucumber or watermelon for hydration. Poor sweet girl 😢
@SmiYa0126 I put some cooked ground beef in her mouth but she isn't doing anything with it. I also cooked the eggs, but she wont eat it. I don't have any cucumbers or watermelon to give unfortunately.


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