Odd colored Coturnix quail chick

No cooperation what-so-ever but here's some different views of the golden lace.
Oh wow!! They do look a LOT alike, mine even has a rando white feather on the chest. She's also a big, fluffy and bottom heavy hen hehe. I can't see that well, do your birds have the black and pink feet as well? :) Thanks for sharing!
Omgosh, a quail with frizzle feathers??
That would be strange, haha! I have a quail called Scraggle Queen's Daughter who looked like she was a bit "frizzly" around her neck but I think it turned out to be more scraggle because when she molted it smoothed out :)
LOL awww hahaha she must have been sticky after that, poor girl
I loved the eyebrow fluff on Seven, how are they turning out? :p

Hi Binki! Updates. Our "Lavender" turned out to be this gorgeous cinnamon roo. I ended up with 3 roos and 4 hens.

My large egg hatch rate was severely effected by the weather and I ended up with:
2 yolkers
3 euthanased out of 4 hatched
1 pipped then died
8 failed to hatch
1 live chick. We ended up getting a day old from the same breeder to keep it company. The interim feather boa kept it calm for 3 days.

I will try again when the weather stabilises.

Thanks for the sin bin notes. It worked a treat on my Jumbo. We introduced our young'ensto our 5 older hens and they were severely picked on. I separated her for 3 consecutive days. Day 4 she got the message that tryi g to kill the others was not an acceptable practice!
Hi Binki! Updates. Our "Lavender" turned out to be this gorgeous cinnamon roo. I ended up with 3 roos and 4 hens.

My large egg hatch rate was severely effected by the weather and I ended up with:
2 yolkers
3 euthanased out of 4 hatched
1 pipped then died
8 failed to hatch
1 live chick. We ended up getting a day old from the same breeder to keep it company. The interim feather boa kept it calm for 3 days.

I will try again when the weather stabilises.

Thanks for the sin bin notes. It worked a treat on my Jumbo. We introduced our young'ensto our 5 older hens and they were severely picked on. I separated her for 3 consecutive days. Day 4 she got the message that tryi g to kill the others was not an acceptable practice!

Haha oh nooo so many Roos!! Yikes, sorry about your hatch :/ what kind of weather affected it?

Hehehe the feather boa is a great idea!! I put a little stuffed animal under the heat lamp to break up the horde of chicks so they can rest better without getting shoved around as much if they're cuddled into the stuffy xD I also use a pair of folded fluffy socks but one time a chick shoved it's body into the fold and I was scared it was stuck lol!

Haha "Sin Bin" - an awesome name :p glad they're getting along now!! Good thing you were able to get that chick a buddy too :3
Haha oh nooo so many Roos!! Yikes, sorry about your hatch :/ what kind of weather affected it?

Hehehe the feather boa is a great idea!! I put a little stuffed animal under the heat lamp to break up the horde of chicks so they can rest better without getting shoved around as much if they're cuddled into the stuffy xD I also use a pair of folded fluffy socks but one time a chick shoved it's body into the fold and I was scared it was stuck lol!

Haha "Sin Bin" - an awesome name :p glad they're getting along now!! Good thing you were able to get that chick a buddy too :3

We were getting 40 degree Celsius days inside the house. The humidity was up around 70%. We don't have aircon except 1 bedroom and I couldn't leave it on all day. We had 3 straight weeks in the 30s without it cooling down over night.

My all total is 10 girls and 4 boys. I am a few girls short all up. Won't know about my 2 in the brooder for 5 weeks. Cross fingers for me!
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We were getting 40 degree Celsius days inside the house. The humidity was up around 70%. We don't have aircon except 1 bedroom and I couldn't leave it on all day. We had 3 straight weeks in the 30s without it cooling down over night.

My all total is 10 girls and 4 boys. I am a few girls short all up. Won't know about my 2 in the brooder for 5 weeks. Cross fingers for me!

Aww that sucks about the weather, hope they turn out to be girls ^^ *crosses fingers*
Here is a strange colored baby. Very cute a loveable tho.She is dark and has some gold or rust splash on her head and face! The 2 adults are her parents. Does anyone know what color she/he might be?:jumpy

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