Peachick is an EYE PICKER - younger peachick chick badly injured

Well it doesn't matter anymore. The pied peachick died yesterday, some kind of liver issue/possible infection. The white one is now also eye picking, brought home 3 Barnevelders a bit smaller than him/her for companions and she just went nuts on them. I put her in with 8 three week old mutt chicks/1 two week turkey, and she hasn't picked on them so far. They're considerably bigger than her but I don't have anywhere else to put her and neither seems to be displaying picking behavior.
the lady who got me started with silkies had a young pea doing the same thing to its same age siblings -- she put vicks vapor rub on the eyes of the chicks being targeted -- personally, i think that was a little to rough on the ones already being picked on -- the smell of vicks makes my eyes water if i get the jar too close to my face -- i wouldn't use it...while i haven't had the eye issue going on in a long time, i believe everyone hatching peas has probably seen it at least once -- i separated mine, but i don't have the electric issues that you're facing --- i would try bacetracin or neosporin on the eyes of the affected chicks if you run into it again -- sorry i didn't see this sooner...

i've been hatching seb geese for the past 3 years and there's almost always at least one gosling in the group that will pick the others bald if i let them... what i've done this past year that worked like a charm was putting neosporin on any of the chicks that were being balded -i only put it on the areas that were being picked on -- the behavior stopped within the first few tastes ... sometimes i had to reapply if the behavior started again, but after 2 or 3 applications, it was usually enough..

a small mirror may help --- just a thought -- haven't tried it....
Well it doesn't matter anymore. The pied peachick died yesterday, some kind of liver issue/possible infection. The white one is now also eye picking, brought home 3 Barnevelders a bit smaller than him/her for companions and she just went nuts on them. I put her in with 8 three week old mutt chicks/1 two week turkey, and she hasn't picked on them so far. They're considerably bigger than her but I don't have anywhere else to put her and neither seems to be displaying picking behavior.
Sorry for your loss... What sort of liver issue? Did you necropsy it?


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