Pekin Duck Suddenly Can't Walk


9 Years
Nov 20, 2014
My duck coop
Our Pekin duck has abruptly stopped being able to walk or stand. We first noticed yesterday morning. I checked her for bumble foot, for any cuts or injuries, for any lumps in stomach, and didn't find anything wrong. I massaged her belly and didn't find any eggs lodged. Video of her on ground unable to stand was last night. Video of her wobbly standing and facing camera is this morning.


How old is she? What is her diet like?
She might be suffering from a niacin deficiency. I'd give her some liquid B complex, which can be found at most feed stores, daily for the next week to see if she improves. I believe it's 1ml over a small treat. All ducks, but pekins especially, need a lot of niacin and really suffer when they lack the required amount. If the complex helps, then you may need to buy some nutritional yeast to supplement in her food for the rest of her life.
How old is she? What is her diet like?
She might be suffering from a niacin deficiency. I'd give her some liquid B complex, which can be found at most feed stores, daily for the next week to see if she improves. I believe it's 1ml over a small treat. All ducks, but pekins especially, need a lot of niacin and really suffer when they lack the required amount. If the complex helps, then you may need to buy some nutritional yeast to supplement in her food for the rest of her life.
She is 3 years old. She eats half n half of Purina duck feed and Producer’s Pride. Is this liquid B at TSC the right thing?
Today her bill was bleeding. After washing it out the bleeding stopped. Not sure why this happened or if it’s connected



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Could she have poked her bill into something? any wound or was it in her nares only?
I would get her the Durvet liquid B complex and start her on 1ml daily. Do not put it into her water it dilutes it too much she needs a full dose. If she is eating give her a small amount of treat and put the liquid B over it so you know she is getting the full dose. Or use a syringe without a needled and very slowly put the liquid into her bill making sure she is swallowing the small amount before giving more. You don't want her to aspirate.
Update: it’s been 3 weeks and she still is not able to walk. We’ve been giving her vit b complex as recommended from TSC as well as nutritional yeast sprinkled on her food. There was a little bit of improvement but then it stopped. She is always in a different spot in coop when I go out there in the morning but during day I don’t really see her move at all. I decided to let her swim (supervised) to let her clean herself and at least move a little bit. She swam fine. But on land seems to step on her left foot and uses her wings to balance (when she tries to move but typically just stays still). She can use her wings just fine, as that’s how she flies out of the water
Is the a chance for a vet to look at her? I am so sorry the Liquid B complex hasn't helped.
Could this be an injury? If she is flying out of the pool possibly an injury
Is the a chance for a vet to look at her? I am so sorry the Liquid B complex hasn't helped.
Could this be an injury? If she is flying out of the pool possibly an injury
Unfortunately, we don’t have an avian vet in the area. She is not flying out of a pool, rather the shore of the pond which would not likely lead to injury. And she was like this much before I started letting her out. In fact, she will typically swim to shore so I can pick her up, she doesn’t tend to fly out but rather wait for me. I only let her out every few days to clean up herself.
I wish I could help with what to do next. I do think that water therapy is beneficial to helping restore strength but I have no knowledge as to what could be causing the problem. If it was a niacin issue the B complex should be helping. Try letting her swim as often as possible if too cold outside a nice warm bath can help. I would keep up with the B complex even though it doesn't seem to be helping her walk it is good support of muscles.
Hopefully others may have something else to recommend. I have said this many times to others but maybe try some Cosequin with MSM it may help. I gave it to my Muscovy drake who had injured his leg fighting with my gander and had developed a limp it helped him to where he could walk without a limp.

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