Silkie X Leghorn Crosses

i have a few adults when i hatched some of what i call a barn yard mix..... white leghorn/ white silkie roo lol pretty interesting, AND they lay pretty good too!
I have a couple!!! I think they end up being gorgeous actually!!!

Here are some white leghorn/silkie crosses.

5 month old girl


6 month old boy


6 week old brown leghorn/silkie cross

This is my little brown leghorn/silke girl that had passed about a month ago. She became paralyzed and lived in the house. She hung on for 2 months until I had to have her put down. She was the sweetest girl and I thought she was gorgeous and she was about 3 1/2 months in this picture.
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Hi everyone,
New here, will write an intro soon..........

Here's some pics of my beautiful silkie cross brown leghorn chicks. They are 20 weeks old and today Isabel laid her first egg!
These two are full blooded sisters. Amazing how different they are. Crosses can be real surprise packages!




Hi newtofarming,

Sorry to hear that you lost your little brown girl.
She looks a lot like my Elkie did before she matured.
These are pretty cool. I'd like to learn more about them. Do they go broody as much as a Silkie? Size eggs? Temperment?
And definitely more pixs with colors of crosses.
Thank you! She was the sweetest little girl too. I was thinking the same thing of how your girl reminded me alot like Sugar. Your girl is gorgeous!! Actually both are gorgeous!

Gootziecat.....The white girl in the pic and another girl that looked alot like the one that had passed had gone broody. The white girls eggs did hatch and she is an excellent protective mom and the other girls eggs should hatch very soon.

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