You're all up early
Hey there Wunda, and a good evening to you.
I was bored last night and opted to just go to sleep early. Now I'm sitting here in the dark, scared to wake the family (kids) and ruin this beautiful silence. Well silence and roosters crowing. But... ya know.... at 6:30am roosters sounds like music... children still just sound greedy. ;)
I fell like they are smart too. More than most other chickens.

I've found that the oriental games definitely are more intelligent. My Kos can figure out how to get out of a pen if I leave even a little area that they could utilize. And they figure it out quick, too.

I'll have to see about getting some pictures of the LV (I use LV for Luiske Vechter because I find it's less confusing to people than LF which traditionally means Large Fowl, lol). They are getting big! I had to tell my NPIP tester that even though they're bigger than a full grown leghorn already, they're only ten weeks old so they couldn't be tested.
I've found that the oriental games definitely are more intelligent. My Kos can figure out how to get out of a pen if I leave even a little area that they could utilize. And they figure it out quick, too.

I'll have to see about getting some pictures of the LV (I use LV for Luiske Vechter because I find it's less confusing to people than LF which traditionally means Large Fowl, lol). They are getting big! I had to tell my NPIP tester that even though they're bigger than a full grown leghorn already, they're only ten weeks old so they couldn't be tested.
:frow Good morning pyxis, have a great day
Quail chicks like to play "are we dead or are we sleeping?"


I'm not a fan of this game.

The little guy at the bottom of the picture. He’s the one that zipped but was glued stuck in the egg shell overnight and I had to unglue him. He’s not quite right, I think. He’s a lot smaller than the others, his eyes keep getting glued shut, and he can’t really walk. I have him a bath last night to see if maybe he was just having a hard time getting fluffy because of the gunk from the shell, but I think it may be more than that? I also gave him some nutridrench, but I’m not sure what else I can do.

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