Is this in your home @donkeydew2farms ?and @duluthralphie wants to eat your turtles!
Hi all. I missed a lot of posts and haven't read back, so apologies if I missed anything.

Been fairly busy. Work is busy, since it's that time of year. I also have a lot of chicks and grow outs that I need to make decisions on to get ready to sell.

Unfortunately, we're having a Covid outbreak in my little town. Four confirmed cases, and I won't be surprised if it rises. People are giving up on wearing masks, which isn't fair because the masks are more to protect others than yourself. That combined with things opening back up is leading to outbreaks. Up in Winooski VT some people decided they needed to get together for Memorial Day and didn't social distance. It was a small gathering of six, I believe, people. They're hoping they have the resulting outbreak under control up there now, but it hit 86 known cases.

Anyway, I now won't go shopping in my own local grocery store, sigh. And more and more people are coming into my work without masks. At this point, I almost feel it's just a matter of time until someone comes in and gets us all sick.

On a happier note, nine of the Tomaru eggs I had shipped to me hatched. That's pretty good, considering I paid for ten eggs.
Good morning folks :frow

Bob how is Sue doing today?
Patti, she's doing well. They're going to remove her drain today. Feed tube has been out for a couple of days. Her PT is going well and she actually got to use a toilet yesterday. Right now the plan is for her to transfer to rehab on Monday.

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