I resemble that remark!! 😉. Hi everyone. Hope you all are doing fantastic.
Cannot complain: Fall Ducklings are growing their feathers at a rapid pace and become more adventurous day by day. Got a new customer assigned for the rest of the month and my yard looks like a pillow fight… :lau
I hope you're doing great too?
Breakfast seems about right. No, they aren't normally in together just while I clean brooders. I don't normally feed them together but the way they were all screaming they were about to die. Ducks straight to water, chicks to food.
Breakfast seems about right. No, they aren't normally in together just while I clean brooders. I don't normally feed them together but the way they were all screaming they were about to die. Ducks straight to water, chicks to food.View attachment 2362750
How can you let us little ducklings without water for more than three seconds?!? :gig
Evening all! Life is busy, spring has sprung, the left side of the road is absolutely the best side to drive on, and @Muscovy Wunda is quite correct in connecting American toilets with not actually leading the world. As you consider anything or everything that ails the US today, I think it would be fair to blame it on stress caused by interacting with American toilets.

The ducks are still not laying. I am upping the protein in their diet. If that fails, I will tell them all about US loos to frighten them into action!
Could use a stiff drink today. Can't leave my kids alone five minutes. Went to get changed so we could go to work function. Hear a shattering noise and then a scream. My fault for leaving pram out. Kids plowed it through glass window on verandah and master 2 copped a laceration to back of his head. Why must head injuries bleed so bad? Thankful for no stitches and bleeding stopping quickly, well before help arrived and he just wanted to get back up and play again. I realise we are lucky and it could have been way worse! Glass that thin should not allowed to be used in houses, let alone unlaminated!

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