It’s very lean. Lean enough to starve on it is the story we grew up with. But the steaks are good as is the roast. they are tasty just not mouth watering tender
So that's why the Canadians made a stew out of the lean meet.
It was really delicious, cooked with some red wine and served with wild rice.
OK, they're thieves and you have to keep an eye on them, they've started to steal eggs out of the duck-house this summer, but the way they drive the hawks out of the valley is priceless.
They are so smart! Eggcellent thieves. It seems to start with simple things then they get cocky
They are so smart! Eggcellent thieves. It seems to start with simple things then they get cocky

I have a flock of ravens that were stealing eggs right out of my nest boxes. I dealt with it (considered it 'payment' for keeping hawks away) until they stole live chicks from a broody. At that point I had to lock all the birds up in the coop until the ravens learned that there weren't any more free eggs around for them to steal.
I have a flock of ravens that were stealing eggs right out of my nest boxes. I dealt with it (considered it 'payment' for keeping hawks away) until they stole live chicks from a broody. At that point I had to lock all the birds up in the coop until the ravens learned that there weren't any more free eggs around for them to steal.
Yes! They seem to test the waters before taking valuable things. They are just so switched on. A friend of mine who lives next door to an orange orchad had abit of a crow problem. She was originally feeding a nice family of magpies but the crows that lived in orchard sniffed out the food and decided to look for hand outs too. Chasing off the magpies and their dog. One day she had enough of them and went out there with a shot gun and fired it at them. Unintentionally she hit one but the rest took off and never returned. To this day you can see the flock fly a horse shoe around her property to avoid her house to get to the orchard.
I have a flock of ravens that were stealing eggs right out of my nest boxes. I dealt with it (considered it 'payment' for keeping hawks away) until they stole live chicks from a broody. At that point I had to lock all the birds up in the coop until the ravens learned that there weren't any more free eggs around for them to steal.
Also... any emerald eggs yet?
Your crows are very different to ours.... only reason they chase off other birds is so they can hunt themselves. Awful birds crows (here atleast) watch them bully birds to death. Including poultry. New born animals they eat the eyes out before they can even get up to walk. AWFUL

Only 3 crows here and so far they are staying in the woods behind my house. I haven't seen them in my trees or around the buildings... yet. I don't really want them to learn that there may be food here, but the chicken feed is inside and the garden or compost pile is the only other food source. So far they haven't been interested. That's why if I feed them anything I want to do it closer to where they hangout than my house.
The hawk was back yesterday and stayed about 10 min. then left with the crows trailing. Wherever he went they went with him, because I didn't see them most of the day. But I didn't see the crows before he showed up so I think they follow him around(?) lol. Great warning system if they do that.

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