So who's has the thumb on that ⏹ Stop-Button?
I bet it is @duluthralphie so that he can enjoy ice-fishing for another six months! 😆

Funny AccuWeather: According to their web-site it is snowing here, right now:
View attachment 2534654
But there is no precipitation at all when i look out of the window. 🤨
We get this with rain... but I wonder if it evaporates before getting so low?
Good morning folks :frow Good evening Wunda & Kiwi :frow

Ugh, people. And Facebook.

So I have two emu eggs that are wiggling, a sure sign of life. Figured this year I might try to find a solution to them pooping all over me, the bed, the floor, etc, when they're out for snuggles. A towel just doesn't really do it, lol. A lot of people have made their own emu chick diapers and it works out okay.

I thought I might get some chicken diapers and repurpose them to work. I just needed measurements from chicks, because I don't remember exactly how long in inches they are when they hatch, lol.

So I posted in my emu Facebook group to ask if someone would be so kind as to measure a chick to tell me. Not a hard request, right?

Except all I have gotten back for answers so far is morons not realizing they are in an emu group, somehow. One person telling me I need to check the diapers frequently. Yes, thank you for this obvious information.

Then one genius who clearly has no clue she's in an emu group, somehow. First she posts a reply on my main post saying this:

"Omg so odd. Im new to all this, I have like 60 or 70, but poop gets stuck!"

So, obviously she doesn't have 70 emus running around. She's talking about chickens, because she's not paying attention to what group this is in. And I double checked by searching for her posts in the group and yeah, not one. She's also a new member of the group. So I'm guessing the total number of emus she has is zero.

In reply, I posted this:

"You have 60 emu chicks? You must be overrun. I'm only hatching a couple, and they will only be wearing whatever I come up with when they're snuggling with me."

However, I then noticed she also decided to reply to the person who told me to check their diapers frequently with this:

"YOU ARE SO RIGHT! I feel like such a newbie but you shouldnt be diapering a freaking chicken!!!!!!!"

So now we know she's got no clue where's she posting. She's also totally wrong about not diapering a chicken. So, my response:

"Actually a lot of people use chicken diapers. They are specially designed to be comfortable for the chicken and keep their poop away from their vent. People use them when they have injured birds that are having long stays in the house and they want to let them out to roam so they aren't stuck in a cage all day. Or, some people do keep chickens as pets in the house. Not something I do, but people do it.

But anyway, that doesn't apply because these aren't chickens, they're emu chicks. This is posted in an emu group. And they'd only be wearing something to catch poop if I had them physically on me, like cuddling while trying to get them to imprint. And again, the diaper would be specially designed to be comfortable for them and keep the poop away from their vent.

Do a search for 'diaper' in this group and you'll see a lot of people have done it, and came up with different versions of their own diapers."

Now we wait to see if she even replies. I bet not.
I avoid FB like the plague

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