Guineas?!! - Important is that you listen to them first and decide if that is what you want to hear around your house every day 24x7!

Guineas are loud!!! And they are loud 24x7x365¼!!!

One of the neighbors here in the valley - fortunately one of the more distant neighbors has a hen, by the name of "Mary" - »Machinegun Mary« - When she (the guinea!) becomes upset with something really serious, like a bee flying close by, she sounds like a high-pitch machinegun. And she is loud! Really, really, really, loud !

I have thought about some Guineas, the are being offered here in every farm-store, and they look, at least, interesting. - Some say beautiful, but it must be the kind of beautiful only a mother can love...

They might be good to scare your dog, cat and children. Her (the neighbors!) cat hasn't left the house during daytime since the guineas have grown up. - Cat tried to pounce guinea, guinea flies up, land on cat's back and rides cat all the way to the cat-door, while pecking mercilessly on cat's head. Cat need a vet and stitches and is happy to have both eyes still.
Her kids wait at the door until the school bus comes to a full stop and the door is open, then run as if the devil is after them. - I wonder if guineas are the reason why he (the devil) became so evil?
And don't ask about her (the neighbors) chickens. - They are being ruled by a foreign force now…
In one sentence: The 15 Guineas she has have taken over the kingdom and rule with a regime of terror.

But you have deadly snakes in Australia. Which may prevent you from suffering a similatr fate…
I luv Guineas
Guineas?!! - Important is that you listen to them first and decide if that is what you want to hear around your house every day 24x7!

Guineas are loud!!! And they are loud 24x7x365¼!!!

One of the neighbors here in the valley - fortunately one of the more distant neighbors has a hen, by the name of "Mary" - »Machinegun Mary« - When she (the guinea!) becomes upset with something really serious, like a bee flying close by, she sounds like a high-pitch machinegun. And she is loud! Really, really, really, loud !

I have thought about some Guineas, the are being offered here in every farm-store, and they look, at least, interesting. - Some say beautiful, but it must be the kind of beautiful only a mother can love...

They might be good to scare your dog, cat and children. Her (the neighbors!) cat hasn't left the house during daytime since the guineas have grown up. - Cat tried to pounce guinea, guinea flies up, land on cat's back and rides cat all the way to the cat-door, while pecking mercilessly on cat's head. Cat need a vet and stitches and is happy to have both eyes still.
Her kids wait at the door until the school bus comes to a full stop and the door is open, then run as if the devil is after them. - I wonder if guineas are the reason why he (the devil) became so evil?
And don't ask about her (the neighbors) chickens. - They are being ruled by a foreign force now…
In one sentence: The 15 Guineas she has have taken over the kingdom and rule with a regime of terror.

But you have deadly snakes in Australia. Which may prevent you from suffering a similatr fate…
Full grown guineas here start at $75 because they are a "good" snake alarm. So the wives tale goes. But people don't like to raise from babies. But I am not convinced these are guineas... they resemble more of a barred rock chick in photo. I am hoping its wrong photo or there will be more types of chicks
Full grown guineas here start at $75 because they are a "good" snake alarm. So the wives tale goes. But people don't like to raise from babies. But I am not convinced these are guineas... they resemble more of a barred rock chick in photo. I am hoping its wrong photo or there will be more types of chicks

The going price for guinea hatching eggs seems to have skyrocketed this year. I wish mine would hurry up and start laying so I could sell some, and hatch some keets to sell.
The going price for guinea hatching eggs seems to have skyrocketed this year. I wish mine would hurry up and start laying so I could sell some, and hatch some keets to sell.
I wonder why? No body wants to hatch them here. Colours are a big thing with them lately it seems. The pied lilacs seems to be the feature of this auction. Everyone wants one. I saw keets on gumtree (second hand sale website) for $40. I kind of want in on this thing, but at the same time I am not set up for the guineas or peacocks adventurous ways
I wonder why? No body wants to hatch them here. Colours are a big thing with them lately it seems. The pied lilacs seems to be the feature of this auction. Everyone wants one. I saw keets on gumtree (second hand sale website) for $40. I kind of want in on this thing, but at the same time I am not set up for the guineas or peacocks adventurous ways

You gotta lock guineas in for six weeks. After that, they'll come back and roost in the coop. Or have a chicken hen raise them, that's an easy way to do it, haha.
Yes, ducks have a hierarchy too, but it is not so serious under the females. Yes, there is one hen that insist to have the first dip in the pool, but she will not make a big tantrum when the others break that "rule". It is different when they are broody, however.
And it is different between drakes, they have a strict hierarchy and they sometimes fight until the feathers fly.
But you have no drake in your flock, so the girls will greet the new member of the flock and will soon flatten out for him.
Thank you so much for your help, I really appreciate it. We are home and everyone is in the side yard together. The girls didn’t beat the heck out of him but they looked at me like I was a traitor. I just told them they’d thank me later and left. Maybe some peas will win them over later.

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