Hope everyone is having a good Christmas Eve, and tomorrow has a great one also! Our ducks have decided today to come out for a little bit, to grab some food, maybe hang out under the truck again, but keep running back to their house, where they have managed to drill overnight apparently to water. Not like I didn't provide them with water yesterday or today, they really didn't seem interested in it yesterday, they figured that out today, but still taking turns laying next to the water and sipping, running back in the house. They seem to have a rotation they have going on taking turns in the drill hole also, when our oldest hen Hope let's them that is. So strange watching them in this weather, they sure seem to enjoy just plopping down in the snow.
Merry Christmas Everybody!


This is the Gingerbread House that one of the bakeries close to my German home-town builds in celebration of Christmas every year. Enjoy! And stay warm!
What a mess! - No, not the ducks! - Their supper-soup from yesterday evening froze before they could spill it all over the mudroom.
But me: Finally the ducks decided to briefly come outside this afternoon and i rushed into the wool-socks, grabbed my jacket and - dang! i forgot my boots outside!
Tried to slip into and shattered my "rubber" boots! They just cracked and fell apart!… :confused:

So the ducks got a good laugh at me, running around in my summer clogs, my feet getting as cold as theirs. Filled their rubber bins with hot water, which they appreciated (they didn't took baths, though!) and retrieved four solid frozen eggs. Also distributed some fresh hay and a bag of dry leaves. I was barely five minutes inside the house when they all wanted back in and quacked me out:

What kind of "rubber" boots do you recommend? I spent some extra $ for "natural rubber", because i know plastic isn't for winter...
What a mess! - No, not the ducks! - Their supper-soup from yesterday evening froze before they could spill it all over the mudroom.
But me: Finally the ducks decided to briefly come outside this afternoon and i rushed into the wool-socks, grabbed my jacket and - dang! i forgot my boots outside!
Tried to slip into and shattered my "rubber" boots! They just cracked and fell apart!… :confused:

So the ducks got a good laugh at me, running around in my summer clogs, my feet getting as cold as theirs. Filled their rubber bins with hot water, which they appreciated (they didn't took baths, though!) and retrieved four solid frozen eggs. Also distributed some fresh hay and a bag of dry leaves. I was barely five minutes inside the house when they all wanted back in and quacked me out:

What kind of "rubber" boots do you recommend? I spent some extra $ for "natural rubber", because i know plastic isn't for winter...
NOSHO look for this name in boots. https://www.cabelas.com/shop/en/dryshod-nosho-ultra-hunt-cold-conditions-hunting-boots-for-men
They say they are for hunting but I don't hunt and they are perfect for chores around the homestead. Pretty pricey but I'm on my second year with these and they have held up really well.
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Have some chicks! Or chicknagers as the case may be! The oldest ones are only five weeks old and you can clearly see three cockerels. These are my OEGB babies.



And this little fellow is my Miracle Chick, Precious. (who told me he wasn't impressed by pooping in my hand). His partially-hatched egg was kicked out of the nest, and I found him cold and almost dead. I had to breathe on him and warm him back to life. I think I told you about this already, and how @Miss Lydia helped me save him.

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