So sorry about Pinball. Was she the last of the screaming Magpies?
Only her sister Pompom is left. I really miss the screaming Maggies, i would buy some more from that hatchery in Texas, but they only sell straight run ducklings and i have enough drakeholes…
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I'm worried there might be something else going on. Ducks do grieve but mine usually forget about it in a few hours certainly a day.
They are better today, but the puddle-ducks are now isolating themselves even more from the main flock. Twedledee and Tweedledum, Pinballs offspring are permanently staying with the puddle-ducks, the two black Swedish ducks are coming and goin, but everybody else (even Limpy) is chased away violently by Rusty and Erpelchen. Had to intervene a couple of times to safe (!) the Monty-Python drakes. Naughtius Maximus is currently limping… So much fighting going on at the moment…
I am thinking the same. I sure hope they are all okay.
The only things that were going on were, that i have new bees and everybody (humons included) was sneezing, coughing and had irritated eyes due to the pesky Autumn-Olive pollen. Those have been washed out of the air by the last rain showers.

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