They are better today, but the puddle-ducks are now isolating themselves even more from the main flock. Twedledee and Tweedledum, Pinballs offspring are permanently staying with the puddle-ducks, the two black Swedish ducks are coming and goin, but everybody else (even Limpy) is chased away violently by Rusty and Erpelchen. Had to intervene a couple of times to safe (!) the Monty-Python drakes. Naughtius Maximus is currently limping… So much fighting going on at the moment…
Yeah, they'll need to re-establish their pecking order. :(

I have my own drakeholes who has been pestering my Muscovy (he's a Pekin cross) to the point she is terrified. >.< And, I have another drake who is completely confused, due to the fact he was raised with Muscovy last year and has never integrated himself with his own kind.
So, I did a thing...

I returned the faulty incubator this morning, and to console myself I got

I have Silver laced Wyandotte I love that hen she is such a sweetheart
Yeah, my BLR was the sweetest guy. Very gentle and friendly. I miss him. :(

I'd also picked up what are supposed to be BLR/Orpington cross chicks last week, but I'm starting to think the person I got them from was wrong, and they are pure BLR. That would be nice!
Yeah, they'll need to re-establish their pecking order. :(

I have my own drakeholes who has been pestering my Muscovy (he's a Pekin cross) to the point she is terrified. >.< And, I have another drake who is completely confused, due to the fact he was raised with Muscovy last year and has never integrated himself with his own kind.
I don't think so! - The pecking order has not changed. The puddle-ducks are the remaining ducks from the 2019 Spring Ducklings plus three of Pinball's offspring, Rusty Drake, Tweedledee Duck and Tweedledum Drake.
They have somehow been shunned by the rest of the flock for the last three years and mostly stayed to themselves at their private puddle next to the driveway (hence puddle ducks).
Last year, when Pinball started sitting on her nest i purposefully ordered ducklings to arrive at the estimated hatch day, in the hope they would become attached to the puddle ducks and strengthen that group. It worked to a certain extend and the new group of ducks acted like a buffer between the Puddles and the rest of the flock. The puddles evebn joined everybody at the pond!

But since Pinball's death there is some kind of an open war between Rusty and Erpelchen on one and the Monty-Python drakes on the other side with the new ducks from last summer somewhere in between.
Today the Black Swedish drake Ralphie Dux got into a fight with Biggus Dickus over the Black Swedish ducks, Erpelchen and Rusty quickly joined in, Naughtius Maximus and Prongus Longus coming to defend their brother…
The result was a ball of feathers, flappers of doom, orange knife-holders and dragon-wings that had to be dissolved with the garden hose's jet-nozzle at full power. The Monty-Pythons have bloody eyes now, Erpelchen and Rusty are both limping and Ralphie has a bald spot on his chest.
The ducks are hoarse because they were quacking the alarm-quack for over an hour.

Where do they sell blue helmets? :confused:
Yeah, my BLR was the sweetest guy. Very gentle and friendly. I miss him. :(

I'd also picked up what are supposed to be BLR/Orpington cross chicks last week, but I'm starting to think the person I got them from was wrong, and they are pure BLR. That would be nice!

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