So I heard that going up/down angled surfaces is a really foreign concept for ducks.


- me in a hardware shop: hey do you have that anti-slip thingy for showers, bathtubs etc?
- sales: sure, what kind would you like exactly?
- me: doesn't matter that much, i need it for ducks
- sales: ... [should we call security just in case, seems like an odd customer]

Ducks and angled surfaces - that's a myth! - Place a pound of French Fries on top of Mount Everest and watch Blanca Duck embarrassing a mountain. :lau
I too thought ducks are unable to climb up ramps and are uncomfortable with heights…
Then the puddle ducks discovered the creek at the bottom of the hill where i live and i discovered what capable climbers ducks are:
Violeta Duck started to roost on the interior wall of the duck house to get out of the reach of the drakes:
And the nasty-ducks from last year have fun walking and sleeping on the upper-level floor that i have created in the duck house:
They run up and down that ramp as if it is flat ground. They even tried to go broody there…
Its a myth!
Happy Late Friday to Everybody!
And Happy Weekend to Everybody who is already into tomorrow!

As said, the ducks are driving me nuts! - Since Sunday there are three ducks that are broody, no longer broody, broody again, crazy broody, not at all broody, dragon like broody, outside ducking around with the drakes, …
They all started with four eggs, which i marked with a sharpie on Monday. Now the Buff Orpington is sitting on two of her own eggs plus four of the other duck's eggs - six eggs in total and the two white layers are sitting on three eggs each, two of the original clutch and one new one. 🤯
The only safe way to observe them is the DuckyCam:
In the morning their eyes turn into light sabers and they spit fire at me when i pop my head through the door, around noon the two White Layers have enough and leave and in the early evening the Buff joins the rest of the flock outside too. Then at night they walk back up and sit on their eggs again.
While outside all three of them behave like insane broody ducks, open bill, qwacking like mad quackers and bullying everybody.
I don't know what to make out of that. Is there even a chance that something hatches out of these eggs? 🤔
Happy Late Friday to Everybody!
And Happy Weekend to Everybody who is already into tomorrow!

As said, the ducks are driving me nuts! - Since Sunday there are three ducks that are broody, no longer broody, broody again, crazy broody, not at all broody, dragon like broody, outside ducking around with the drakes, …
They all started with four eggs, which i marked with a sharpie on Monday. Now the Buff Orpington is sitting on two of her own eggs plus four of the other duck's eggs - six eggs in total and the two white layers are sitting on three eggs each, two of the original clutch and one new one. 🤯
The only safe way to observe them is the DuckyCam:
In the morning their eyes turn into light sabers and they spit fire at me when i pop my head through the door, around noon the two White Layers have enough and leave and in the early evening the Buff joins the rest of the flock outside too. Then at night they walk back up and sit on their eggs again.
While outside all three of them behave like insane broody ducks, open bill, qwacking like mad quackers and bullying everybody.
I don't know what to make out of that. Is there even a chance that something hatches out of these eggs? 🤔
I feel for you. One of my muscovy is behaving very similar. I have to keep chasing her back into the coop to sit on 'her' nest. There are three nests in there, and the ducks lay in whichever they feel like, even if it's occupied. I keep finding new eggs on the edges of the nesting box. The other broody is doing a bit better, stays on her eggs longer. They haven't become feathered cobras yet, though.

The Magpie I broke a couple of weeks ago has refused to resume sitting on a nest in her own coop. I know at least some of these eggs are fertile, since I have some in the incubator.
So I heard that going up/down angled surfaces is a really foreign concept for ducks.


- me in a hardware shop: hey do you have that anti-slip thingy for showers, bathtubs etc?
- sales: sure, what kind would you like exactly?
- me: doesn't matter that much, i need it for ducks
- sales: ... [should we call security just in case, seems like an odd customer]

What's the ladder for? You? Very pretty ducks ❤️ @Supercow :welcome
Ducks and angled surfaces - that's a myth! - Place a pound of French Fries on top of Mount Everest and watch Blanca Duck embarrassing a mountain. :lau
I too thought ducks are unable to climb up ramps and are uncomfortable with heights…
Then the puddle ducks discovered the creek at the bottom of the hill where i live and i discovered what capable climbers ducks are:
Violeta Duck started to roost on the interior wall of the duck house to get out of the reach of the drakes:
And the nasty-ducks from last year have fun walking and sleeping on the upper-level floor that i have created in the duck house:
They run up and down that ramp as if it is flat ground. They even tried to go broody there…
Its a myth!
They sure like their house keeping chores. Violeta thinks she's a Muscovy roosting.

Good Morning and Evening!

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