To my two favorite mothers
Right? Lol. Luckily I won't keep a lot of them. 47 are those guinea eggs, and I'll sell most of them. 14 are Ko Shamo eggs, only some will be kept for breeding and showing. Got some silver mallard eggs in, those I'll keep all that hatch. 12 wyandotte eggs I won in the raffle, I'll sell all that hatch. All goslings that hatch will stay. 41 quail, those hardly count, lol, plus extra males will be dinner. Oh, and 10 royal palm eggs left, will keep some ladies and one tom, the other males will be either dinner or sold.

So it's not as bad as it sounds, haha.
Do you have a picture with a silver and an "ordinary" mallard? - I have a couple of wild mallards around here and some of the drakes look different from the others. I would have described them as "gray" because their plumage looks lighter colored than the other's.
Good Morning/Evening to everyone!!
Here it is Saturday and we haven't heard a word for @WannaBeHillBilly in ages. lol
That's because he has a crisis-week:
Last Monday beloved Pompom Duck disappeared! :hit
I was working the entire day outside in the garden, around the house, at the pond, walked to my mailbox, used machinery that makes noise and all the time i saw the puddle-ducks roaming all over the property…
Until in the evening they went back into the duck-house and i did not saw Pompom. 😨
I looked everywhere, looked under every shrub on the pasture, expecting to find dead duck, like it happened with Earthquack last year, but nothing.
I searched until it was too dark but no trace of beloved Pompom Duck!
The puddle ducks did not seem to be shocked or scared, so i assume Pompi just died of a natural cause (like Earthquack), felt it coming and hid somewhere. Just had liked to say good-bye to her…
I wasn't able to work last week, spent most of the time watching old duck-videos from 2019 and 2020 when almost all of the Spring Ducklings were still around. Was not sure if i could continue with keeping ducks and thought about giving the whole flock away.
Limpy and Darkbill quacked me out of that. Limpy is following me around like a dog whenever i am outside and Darkbill has started to become a great garden helper. She walked through the potato-furrows, picking up caterpillars, bugs and slugs left and right while i was planting tomatoes.
And then there's - she doesn't have a name yet - duck, who decided she means it:

She is sitting on her (?) eggs since Monday and has turned on flameless dragon mode. Took me half of last week to gain enough trust that she accepts catfood snacks and water from me without punching the containers…
Can't make a sitting duck move, can you? - So the flock will stay.
Anybody has an idea for a name for this Buff Orpington wannabe duck-momma?
Morning all, about to go searching fhe forum, but has anyone ever removed ingrown feathers?
Depending on where and how these feathers have grown-in, i say a fine scalpel and some antiseptic liquid… - Speaking out of personal experience, if i use an electric razor, my facial hair starts to split and grow in…

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