That's surprising, usually dog-owners bluntly reject that their dog would do "something like this". But i assume you have it all on video. - Did she also explained how she will prevent her dog from doing what it did again?

It's a husky, so she fully believed he would do it. He also came back that morning coated in mud from chasing the geese around the big mud puddle trying to get them. She says she thinks what happened is that the link on his chain loosened up and that's how he got free.

They had put the huskies out on chains instead of in the yard they used to keep them in because she was letting her dachshunds use the yard - they're small enough to be prey in our area, so they can't be out not in a pen. They had even electrified the top of the pen to keep the huskies in because they know they are escape artists.

She said she's looking into rehoming the dog - she doesn't want it to happen again, and she even flat out said she can't afford for it to happen again. $600 isn't a small amount.
It's a husky, so she fully believed he would do it. He also came back that morning coated in mud from chasing the geese around the big mud puddle trying to get them. She says she thinks what happened is that the link on his chain loosened up and that's how he got free.

They had put the huskies out on chains instead of in the yard they used to keep them in because she was letting her dachshunds use the yard - they're small enough to be prey in our area, so they can't be out not in a pen. They had even electrified the top of the pen to keep the huskies in because they know they are escape artists.

She said she's looking into rehoming the dog - she doesn't want it to happen again, and she even flat out said she can't afford for it to happen again. $600 isn't a small amount.
Huskies surely are great escape artists. My neighbor years ago had one that he paid a big price for, it got out and got killed on the road. He bought another one shortly after and the same thing happened to it. He finally gave up on that breed of dog. I am glad she paid the restitution because that would surely be a deterrent on having it happen again. I pray that it does not.

Yes at night. A dog crate inside the coop. Look no touch. I let them out into the coop every day while the flock was roming. today I opened everything hoping they would join the flock. They ran away.
i’m so sorry. 😢 i hope they come back! try shaking the food / treat containers? if they come back I think you should set up a temporary fenced area around the coop for during the day at least for a while till they get used to going in and out of the coop day and night. i really hope they will be ok! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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